#stream 2024-07-29

2024-07-29 UTC
[@mihobu] I posted to my blog! The Family is Back Together (Weeknotes #24-30) #Weeknotes #IndieWeb https://mihobu.lol/2024/07/weeknotes-week-30-2024 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/112866741214355592)
[@indieaisle] How connections on the web work and how we can help connect indie websites to each other. https://garden.delyo.be/rants/finding-the-indieweb/ #indieweb #socialmedia #blog (https://mastodon.social/@indieaisle/112867151311288828)
[@the_cheis] Nuevo post: Escribir para la posteridad #internet #SmallWeb #websencilla #indieweb #blogging #blog #enmiblog https://thecheis.com/2024/07/29/escribir-para-la-posteridad/ (https://mstdn.social/@the_cheis/112868617019702410)
[@zakb] Pretty chuffed, wrote a web site from the terminal, and can post from there too! Bare bones at the moment. I don't really know what I'm doing. That flex stuff confuses me. It's pretty gross under the hood so feedback welcome. ... (https://defcon.social/@zakb/112869124091279149)
[@flamed] 📝 New Post: Rebuilding The Web And how we are already fostering independent web communities 🔥 https://flamedfury.com/posts/rebuilding-the-web/ #web #blogging #smallweb #indieweb (https://social.lol/@flamed/112869374203596777)
[@philomath] Week Notes! A new art piece, a whole lot of reading, and a spectacularly mediocre ending to league bowling. 📝 Week Notes, No. 2024.30 | And So It Goes… https://krueger.ink/week-notes-no-202430/ #WeekNotes #Blog #IndieWeb (https://social.lol/@philomath/112869508939017906)
[@writingslowly] My favourite tool is this notebook I made: https://writingslowly.com/2024/07/29/my-favourite-tool.html #indiewebcarnival #indieweb #pkm #TiddlyWiki #zettelkasten #Rhizomes #notemaking #notetaking #tools (https://aus.social/@writingslowly/112869978758630973)
IWDiscord joined the channel
[notiz.blog/author/matthias-pfefferle/] Ich hab mir über die letzten Wochen viele Gedanken zum Thema „Sharing im Fediverse“ gemacht. Das Thema kommt zwar immer wieder und scheitert dann auf die immer gleiche ähnliche Weise, trotzdem (oder vielleicht gerade deshalb) fasziniert es mich seit jeher.... (https://notiz.blog/2024/07/29/a-share-icon-for-the-fediverse/)
[@mel] my new #tech hot take is we've created such complicated systems that now we are all overly obsessed with #linters. like obsessively so. as if those linters will save us from imminent doom and give us an excuse not to learn how our own systems work. i guess we will all just... (https://social.sdf.org/@mel/112870445302605328)
[@gse] Hat hier jemand was im #indieweb gemacht ? Also sei es ein blogseite oder sonst irgendwie was. (https://norden.social/@gse/112870528141994286)
gRegor, barnaby, IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [tantek] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] @Kristof Zerbe @6erriet mit ie 😁🐧🍓 #FuckAfD Es gibt ja ein IndieWeb-Wiki, in dem so einiges steht, auch Technisches.... (https://hub.netzgemeinde.eu/item/e590ca2d-706c-4cc3-bd8e-20615c9ab598)
barnaby joined the channel
[@mms] And another Brain Rot! 「They don’t make movies like this very often, and we are lucky to have it.」 https://michal.sapka.me/brain-rot/european-scifi/mars-express-2023/ #scifi #marsexpress #movie #100daystooffload #blog #indieweb (https://emacs.ch/@mms/112871646678332079)
[@0xBlockz] Just got my elfeed setup in Doom #Emacs for #RSS ... (https://kolektiva.social/@0xBlockz/112871615812246845)
barnaby joined the channel
[@chris] Added beautiful header artwork to my common pages on my personal website to give a personal touch to my personal website #indieweb #web #indiedev #webdev http://christophersherrod.com (https://pkm.social/@chris/112872261098618321)