#stream 2024-08-04

2024-08-04 UTC
[@32bitkid] New blog post: That time I wanted to "extract" three packages from monorepos, in two different repositories, all while maintaining the existing commit history for those files. Git hijinks ensue…... (https://mstdn.social/@32bitkid/112901585318372195)
[tantek.com] Good W3C SocialCG telcon yesterday morning.... (http://tantek.com/2024/216/t1/socialcg-telcon)
[@abbienormal] non sono ancora pronto per self hostare il mio blog nascituro... (https://livellosegreto.it/@abbienormal/112902941051349466)
[schmarty] joined the channel
Interesting. I didn't mention indieweb. I wonder which keyword Loqi found. Perhaps ActivityPub?
[@noc] hey i’m late to the #blaugust2024 party but here we go! cheers, to starting fresh! https://vaettr.com #indieweb #blog #blogging #eleventy #11ty (https://mas.to/@noc/112904368978165671)
_IWDiscord, pcarrier and IWDiscord joined the channel
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Wrote a new blog entry. It’s about my week off from IT training and some retro gaming https://mdohr.space/blog/posts/2024-08-04_retraining-a-week-off/ #blog #personalBlog #personalwebsite #indieweb #retrogaming #nintendo (https://indieweb.social/@mdohr07/112904939679055923)
yep and crab1 joined the channel
[@flamed] 🔖 New bookmark: Don't Lie To Me About Web 2.0 ... (https://social.lol/@flamed/112905935773662764)
I don't normally post about my #art stuff here, but since it has to do with my site, I figure I'd post here too: I just made an RSS feed for my art page!... (https://infosec.town/notes/9wjpns9nm7j0e5h0)