#stream 2024-08-19

2024-08-19 UTC
[@adjb] Y'all @lukem did a major 2.0 update to his awesome #11ty theme **Multiplicity (M10)** and the feeds are event better check it out at:... (https://hcommons.social/@adjb/112986660714273317)
[mastodon.social/tags/webmention] Bättre förutsättningar med ActivityPub. I juli 2014 startade en arbetsgrupp, W3C Federated Social Web Working Group (SocialWG), som skulle göra arbetet som W3C Community Group tidigare gjort och gjorde överflödigt.... (https://blog.zaramis.se/2024/08/19/battre-forutsattningar-med-activitypub-fediversums-historia/)
[@mihobu] I posted to my blog! A Tale of Two Pies #Weeknotes #IndieWeb https://mihobu.lol/2024/08/weeknotes-week-33-2024 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/112988376743054837)
srijan joined the channel
[@mkalmes] Hat jemand eine Empfehlung für einen Webhoster mit grüner Energieversorgung? Soll meine kleine statische Webseite hosten können. #indieweb #GreenEnergy #AskFedi (https://chaos.social/@mkalmes/112988873776987172)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[@artlung] @Meyerweb ooooh. I got good at this across a few roles I had. One key is to always be deleting merged branches. The other is to use slashes in your branch names to do a kind of fake folder structure. Come to think of it this might be a good topic for an #IndieWeb popup. Also... (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/112989335948080281)
[@xandra] our #32bitcafe back to school code jam entries are now displayed and available to browse! check out your available courses here to learn from folks around the cafe!... (https://tilde.zone/@xandra/112989442875045386)
[@diegopds] Semanário 33 (2024) https://curadoria.bearblog.dev/semanario-33-2024/ #Semanario #Semanario2024S33 #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SurfandoWeb #CuradoriaDaInternet (https://bolha.us/@diegopds/112989558833337679)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] I wrote a short piece on how to start playing #pioneerspacesim, the only space game that doesn't make you feel like you're sinking. https://thefoggiest.dev/2024/08/19/pioneer-space-simulator #game #indieweb #space (https://indieweb.social/@thefoggiest/112989562661204313)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[@TheIdOfAlan] Made some updates to my post about why I built my own markdown replacement and accompanying static site generator. ... (https://hachyderm.io/@TheIdOfAlan/112989784268468938)
gRegor, [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[@cplong] Heard through my friend @gravesle, this article on the state of social media for academics committed to growing meaningful relationships through social media argues, ultimately, for the #IndieWeb approach for which many of us have long been advocating.... (https://hcommons.social/@cplong/112990738548114860)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel