#stream 2024-08-25

2024-08-25 UTC
[@ovidem] I decided to put together a short write-up on microformats I believe to be used the most, with examples of how I use them myself. https://distinctivequality.com/blog/microformats/ #indieweb #microformats #blogging #webdev #webdesign (https://mastodon.social/@ovidem/113019805161298718)
There we go
[tantek.com] People over protocols over platforms.... (http://tantek.com/2024/237/t1/people-over-protocols-platforms)
[fireburn.ru] Hello! IndieAuth seems to be working in Bowl now. It even stores the tokens in the GNOME Keyring for me! The code is really janky and I would like to refactor it before actually publishing. But it's good enough to post from, so I guess this is a victory. (https://fireburn.ru/posts/bxmg6X0)
terf joined the channel
#IndieWeb, on their own website, saysThe IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the “corporate web”.Then if you check their chat they are bridged with #Discord, and seem in no way interested to get people away from anything corporate and towards something more... (https://fedi.tyil.nl/notes/9xct22lnkd)
@catgirlin.space@fed.brid.gyanyways like, idk, people like convenience. Then why bother with #IndieWeb at all?over the past day or soI'm talking about over half a year that I've been in their channel.and slackMy point is getting stronger, I think.a privacy concernIts not a... (https://fedi.tyil.nl/notes/9xcul4sdmd)
Where's that line art gif with the grinning guy saying aha I found a contradiction in what you are saying va doing
tbh i’m still not sure what their point was
[tantek], [KevinMarks] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[@enchantedsleeper] Hey fellow #SmallWeb and #IndieWeb peeps! Has anyone else been looking for motivation to work on indie web/coding/archiving things? Well, I'm running an event, Small Web September, over on DW - hosted at the excellent smallweb comm, run by @kalloway! ... (https://fandom.ink/@enchantedsleeper/113022659450059032)
[dougbeal] joined the channel
with alternative text: "We want an alternative to the corporate web" ... "Yet you use corporate tools. Curious! I am very intelligent."
[manton.org] More on the fediverse stars symbol, this time from Manuel Moreale:... (https://www.manton.org/2024/08/25/more-on-the.html)
^ good post [manton]++
[manton] has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (26 in all channels)
[dave], [snarfed] and [manton] joined the channel
Thanks! It’s interesting to see the different reactions to the proposed fediverse icon.
the three stars symbol reminded me of three body problem, which is literally about a trinary star system, which is unstable
[Joe_Crawford], [schmarty] and gRegor-mobile joined the channel
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: will this one thread (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024004084602295)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: and mybe on threaded posts (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113023994960826542)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: I am working on noterlive for mastodon today (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113023976469211079)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: We just took the indieweb photo (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113023925859807946)
sebbu joined the channel
[tantek.com] All setup here at IndieWebCamp Portland!... (http://tantek.com/2024/238/t1/indiewebcamp-portland)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: shows off kevinmarks.com (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024077565625675)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: so now the hreads wil keep nesting, which means it looks better in phanpy.social than raw mastodon (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024114382223307)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: it will thread if I pass the previous post id - perhaps (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024102761469850)
[@immarisabel] So... yea... I messed up my website repo... I overwrote the new files with old. And I thought I fixed it but nop. Thank you for weekly back ups of the server files brain! Every Sunday. So I did not loose anything but one line of code on the age of the page calculator. Make sure... (https://indieweb.social/@immarisabel/113024149426045498)
People over protocols over platforms.inspired by todayâs #indieweb #fediverse #ActivityPub #decentralized #socialMedia lunch meetup at #XOXO #XOXOConf (@xoxo@xoxo.zone)This is post 16 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Postsâ... (https://tantek.com/2024/237/t1/people-over-protocols-platforms)
Whoa what happened to the UTF8 there? ^ cc: aaronpk
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: this needs to get longer and make more sense (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024229725327914)
[@jlsksr] I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 21: doskel https://doskel.net/ #SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage (https://mastodon.online/@jlsksr/113024282855855452)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb : Good afternoon portland! (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024375169947671)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb : threads behaving a bit better (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024377023678069)
[morganm] joined the channel
[@jnv] New blog post📰 Have you ever wondered how to get free TV? #blog #smallweb #indieweb https://basic.bearblog.dev/ota-hdhomerun-tv/ (https://fosstodon.org/@jnv/113024546396849195)
[martymcgui.re] Are you a member of the 🕸️💍 IndieWeb Webring? Or have you wanted to be, but you couldn't sign in because it strictly required IndieAuth for sign-in?... (https://martymcgui.re/2024/08/25/restored-sign-in-options-for-an-indieweb-webring/)
[aaronpk] and ms_boba[d] joined the channel
[@stefan] Unless I count my Myspace profile page, I made my first real website in 2009. My early web presence was about self-expression as I used my site to share my artwork.... (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113024769423456356)
IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: there once was a lonely duckling with feathers all fluffy and brown (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024811503542412)
IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [aaronpk] and Killeik joined the channel
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb : three more nonsense notes coming up, this is the first (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024881333963274)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: Maybe I should create a separate account for testing instead of tooting nonsense on main (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024865518038532)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: on the other hand, nonsense might be the best way to get engagement (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024869209299912)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] #indieweb : and this threads after the second one (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024884745185127)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] #indieweb : this is the second, starting a new thread (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113024883890879306)
[@dvsk] A little something I wrote about automating custom open graph image generation with Astro https://www.madebydusk.com/journal/open-graph-images-in-astro/ #WebDev #webDevelopment #astro #socialnetworking #smallweb #indieweb (https://mastodon.nz/@dvsk/113024944870519300)
[@Rycaut] Has anyone built the #indieweb version of Meetup? (Opt in to groups that then plan localized events - perhaps inclusive of online ones?) it’s tricky as it takes some good practices to avoid spam, scams and other bad behavior and actors. But reoccurring (as well as one off but... (https://mastodon.social/@Rycaut/113024944852289076)
doesn't framasoft has something for that ?
[Joe_Crawford] and [dave] joined the channel
[@m2m] 🪴 New blog post: "Smaller" ... (https://sonomu.club/@m2m/113025024403347563)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb : always fun when you start over on an old project (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025014679671433)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb : nearly demo time (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025150224983175)
[snarfed] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: I'm showing of a new version of noterlive that sends to mastodon instead of twitter (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025217166188949)
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: It's demo time! (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025214809641781)
claudinec joined the channel
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @snarfed.org: I'm going to demo from my phone. I've always been jealous of he ease of interacting with silos for one tap like and repost and micropub it is not quite as mature (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025261588759239)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @dave: I also added some more friends to the bottom of the page (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025254631708233)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @dave: Today I did maintenance on davegoesthedistance.com - I updated the indieweb webring links, the links for my books now go to my site rather than the publishers site (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025253594700602)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: copy that into a bookmark in your browser (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025246446730828)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: the bookmarklet looks like this: javascript:var... (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025244501723037)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @KevinMarks@xoxo.zone: Also showed off the bookmarklet I made for ShareOpenly (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025243243744168)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @dougbeal: I removed twitter from my website, I rsvp'd to the upcoming HWC Pacific with a webmention using telegraph, and I did it all with my phone. (including demoing via zoom) (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025287373454285)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @snarfed.org: then bridgy.fed federates it back out to the mastodon post by Nelson Minar. I use http shortcuts with a share target that pulls fields out of the {share_target} to fill in my micropub endpoint (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025274145791291)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @snarfed.org: If we look at threads - there is one tap to like a post - so lets try Newsblur . here's a post I want to like, so here's a share action that looks like a heart and it shares the like to my site - you can't see it but it does show up in my site. (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025267715497885)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @snarfed.org: If I want to reply I have the same thing with a reply as part of the http shortcuts app.I'll post a link to more details in the indieweb chat (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025278203729050)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @marty: I added back in the ability to use rel-me auth for the webring, by using indielogin.com to support rel=me auth for peoepl who link to github or email etc (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025310477657974)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @tantek.com: I have 3 categories of linking urls, @ domains and @-@ handles, videos like youtube etc, and one that I have come up for my site is footnotes (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025298774231035)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @tantek.com: If someone has written down how to do it thta cna help implement - I have a blogpost about this on my site so comment on that. https://tantek.com/2024/238/t3/indiewebcamp-auto-linking (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025302248850623)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @tantek.com: I had a chat with Kevin about the larger topic of autolinking - I've done enough coding on this to now write up a specification for this (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025295600067213)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @aaronpk: I worked on bugs in various indieweb tools I have used. Slack channels mentioning other Slack channels in IRC broke because Slack changed the API again, and now it works again. (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025334687590042)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @artlung: I have some hope after this XOXO about the great things that are coming down the line. I also published it to indienews (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025328703781375)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @artlung: I am still working on my comicon blogpost from a month ago, but I wanted to blog about the themes of xoxo, where Erin Kissane subdivided awesome things we made on the web or horrible things that happened to us on the web. I wrote about the hope we have from... (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025326866156278)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb Amy: I removed twitter from my website (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025318037143156)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @marty: I also have a quick response app called Banter to send likes that will syndicate to bridgy. (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025315637323642)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @marty: I was able to like a post on tantek's website without having to manually edit the date format because Hugo crashes on dates it doesn't like (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025313459304574)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @avibagler@xoxo.zone: I have updated my portfolio on avibagler.com to include newer projects, and I signed up for mastodon too (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025352302936089)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @aaronpk: I updated my trips posting code with a few hacks to support a thousand mile long trip over 36 hours and plot all the points in the browser and in my server-side tools (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025343593484314)
[@kevinmarks] #indieweb @aaronpk: Then Ryan said :crossed-fingers: which is actually an emoji, so I updated the emoji data which hadn't been touched for a while (https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025337734019738)