#stream 2024-09-07
2024-09-07 UTC
Loqi [indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] This is a product of this very-old-school LOTR fan site: https://www.lotrfanmb.com... (https://indieweb.social/@Greensleeves/113093473439372627)

[tw2113] joined the channel
[tantek] that's beautiful: https://www.lotrfanmb.com/

[tantek] code of conduct examples << https://www.lotrfanmb.com/conduct.html

Loqi ok, I added "https://www.lotrfanmb.com/conduct.html" to the "See Also" section of /code-of-conduct-examples https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=96889&oldid=95392

Loqi [@ClaireFromClare] @m2m @chris @grueproof What advice would you all give to individuals without deep IT skills who would like elegantly coded, resource-light, understandable websites for: ... (https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare/113093855084967694)

Loqi [@fromjason] I decided my newsletter will in fact be an exploration of the old web! ... (https://mastodon.social/@fromjason/113094307812359496)

[0x3b0b] joined the channel
Loqi [@barrd] My sister’s releasing her first EP
A quick post about my sisters upcoming release of her first EP including links to the tracks and some well deserved brotherly love. …
#IndieWeb #Personal (https://indieweb.social/@barrd/113094623661321562)

GWG and lazcorp joined the channel
Loqi [@mms] Which one is the coolest?
#indieweb #SmallWeb #selfhosted #blog
Domain/~user (https://emacs.ch/@mms/113095523388235622)

Loqi [@dominik] Shameless plug: My newest newsletter issue is out!... (https://mastodon.design/@dominik/113095545245231759)

Loqi__ and claudine joined the channel
Loqi [@dominik] A new post is out as well:
Going for a run is always the right choice. You’ll thank yourself afterward.
#indieweb #running (https://mastodon.design/@dominik/113095599963433018)

Loqi [@donthatedontkill] Today in Nantes I was at the protest against the new prime minister, Michel Barnier, a rightwing homophobe chosen despite the Nouveau Front Populaire having a plurality in the government. Fuck Macron. Fuck Barnier. And fuck this apparent disregard for the voice & will of the... (https://mastodon.social/@donthatedontkill/113096147734938037)

Loqi [@donthatedontkill] Today in Nantes I was at the protest against the new prime minister, Michel Barnier, a rightwing homophobe chosen despite the Nouveau Front Populaire having a plurality in the government. Fuck Macron. Fuck Barnier. And fuck this apparent disregard for the voice & will of the... (https://mastodon.social/@donthatedontkill/113096123068756341)

Loqi [@donthatedontkill] Today in Nantes I was at the protest against the new prime minister, Michel Barnier, a rightwing homophobe chosen despite the Nouveau Front Populaire having a plurality in the government. Fuck Macron. Fuck Barnier. And fuck this apparent disregard for the voice & will of the... (https://mastodon.social/@donthatedontkill/113096137184142395)

Loqi [@the_cheis] Nuevo post:
Usando Perplexity, ¿el buscador del futuro?
#tecnologia #internet #ia #inteligenciaartificial #web #indieweb #blog #enmiblog
https://thecheis.com/2024/09/07/perplexity-ai-buscador-futuro/ (https://mstdn.social/@the_cheis/113096477887546318)

Loqi [@janboddez] Was like, maybe I should add a “scrobbling client” column to my silly listens’ post meta. 🤷
#scrobbling #indieweb #PersonalSites (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/113097062158434335)

Loqi [@donthatedontkill] Today in Nantes I was at the protest against the new prime minister, Michel Barnier, a rightwing homophobe chosen despite the Nouveau Front Populaire having a plurality in the government. Fuck Macron. Fuck Barnier. And fuck this apparent disregard for the voice & will of the... (https://mastodon.social/@donthatedontkill/113097564937338273)

Loqi RetroStrange is independent and community-supported. We don’t spy on you, we don’t sell your data, and we don’t shove ads in the middle of your movie. Our streams are run on free open source software and commodity hardware, and we publish the scripts we use to run the... (https://live.retrostrange.com/federation/PdDYPk6Ig)

barnaby joined the channel
barnaby and [qubyte] joined the channel