#stream 2024-09-09
2024-09-09 UTC
[manton], to2ds and [schmarty]1 joined the channel
Loqi [@philnelson] Me and 7 others are watching Doomsday Machine (1972) on RetroStrange TV, my ad-free, tracker-free, account-free, #indieweb streaming channel. Join us https://live.retrostrange.com (https://xoxo.zone/@philnelson/113104919976522802)

Dryusdan and Kodiak joined the channel
Loqi [@ClaireFromClare] @m2m If an elegantly-designed booksite for everyman is out of reach, how about the simplest project on my wishlist, a single-page web version of a talk with slides? HTML 4 with tables may still work, but how about modern best practice for such a page, with optimal scaling &... (https://h-net.social/@ClaireFromClare/113105308042499534)

Loqi [@flamed] 🔖 Bookmarked Indie Web, small web, social web, whatever web, my web (https://disassociated.com/indie-web-small-web-social-web-whatever-web-my-web/)... (https://social.lol/@flamed/113105603626805399)

stella joined the channel
Loqi [@philomath] 📝 Week Notes, No. 2024.36 | And So It Goes…
#WeekNotes #IndieWeb #Blogging (https://social.lol/@philomath/113107410291492234)

claudinec joined the channel
Loqi [@rodmoi] Dennis Villeneuve's science fiction films, like Arrival, Blade Runner 2049, and both Dunes, brought him a tremendous deal of recognition. However, I prefer his non-science fiction movies, such as Incendies, Prisoners, and Enemy. I find it difficult to take science fiction... (https://mastodon.social/@rodmoi/113107586999306845)

to2ds joined the channel
Loqi [@pc] My blog's index is 1.4 kB over the wire 🎉
A post covers implementation. Sources available, feel free to take inspiration!
#indieweb #smolweb #11ty (https://rrier.fr/@pc/statuses/01J7BMBXD47VEF4N51E96Z9SS6)

to2ds joined the channel
Loqi [@diegopds] Semanário 36 (2024)
#Semanario #Semanario2024S36 #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #SurfandoWeb #CuradoriaDaInternet (https://bolha.us/@diegopds/113108611778984534)

gRegorLove_ and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] _"Wake up, hustlers! If you’re NOT turning your morning coffee into a live stream, are you even grinding?" ..._ wait when I join your coffee livestreams am I opting into some kind of Tantek Premium? 😄 [tantek]
claudinec joined the channel
[qubyte] joined the channel
[mattl]2 "Introducing Tantek+ -- it's just $24.99 a month"
[mattl]2 then you invite all your top tier patreons to a twitch stream where they can control your espresso machine via chat
[mattl]2 just make sure the patreon income covers the lost earnings from all the third degree burns from the machine
to2ds joined the channel
[mattl]2 Yes, it's called a coffee filter
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi [@the_cheis] Nuevo post:
Un símbolo para el fediverso
#Fediverso #Fediverse #Mastodon #Internet #diseño #indieweb #blog #enmiblog
https://thecheis.com/2024/09/09/simbolo-fediverso/ (https://mstdn.social/@the_cheis/113109565213812166)

Loqi [@pvdsp] Combining @simon’s llm CLI utility and Espanso to generate Markdown callouts with a summary of the clipboard: https://patrick.vanderspie.gl/notes/2024-09-09/ #indieweb #LLM #obsidian (https://c.im/@pvdsp/113109729789914561)

[snarfed]1, [fluffy], [jacky] and [benatwork] joined the channel