#stream 2024-09-13
2024-09-13 UTC
# Loqi [@Roneyb] Design para WordPress: meetup online 17/09.
Tá tudo explicado no link.
Acho que deve ser legal também pra quem tem site em WordPress ou pretende ter domínio próprio.
#WordPress #IndieWeb #Design
https://www.meetup.com/wp-rio/events/303368729 (https://bolha.us/@Roneyb/113127349026921741)
[0x3b0b] joined the channel
# Loqi [@barrd] Off we jolly well go
Times change, we get older, the world gets more complicated and travel which at one time I adored more than anything else is getting harder. …
#IndieWeb #Personal (https://indieweb.social/@barrd/113128597534840620)
# Loqi [@barrd] Off we jolly well go
Times change, we get older, the world gets more complicated and travel which at one time I adored more than anything else is getting harder. …
#IndieWeb #Personal (https://indieweb.social/@barrd/113128605003941287)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# Loqi [@dominik] A short #lifeupdate post: I’m going to Uni in a couple of days!
#indieweb #university (https://mastodon.design/@dominik/113129579880138210)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# Loqi [notiz.blog/author/matthias-pfefferle/] Die Fediverse Files sind eine fantastische Videoserie über das Fediverse, und ich bin stolz, Teil davon zu sein! @docpop bringt mit seinem einzigartigen Stil eine perfekte Mischung aus Information und Popkultur in jede Folge. Auch der Cast ist hervorragend, und ich schätze... (https://notiz.blog/2024/09/13/the-fediverse-files/)
[qubyte], [sebbu], [pfefferle], [tantek], IWSlackGateway and barnaby joined the channel
# Loqi [@rodmoi] The so-called "clean" code, "clean" architecture, and SOLID principles frequently produce a code structure that resembles a Matryoshka doll, with endless layers of abstractions deeply nested inside each other. ... (https://mastodon.social/@rodmoi/113130449977370798)
capjamesg joined the channel
# Loqi [@pancho] cadastrei um site no Web 1.0 Hosting ( w10.host ) e não tava conseguindo fazer o meu domínio apontar corretamente pro meu site. Entrei no IRC pra falar com o pessoal e eles foram super atenciosos! ... (https://bolha.one/@pancho/113130765442527876)
# [KevinMarks] Thanks snarfed! My birthday is usually 0x100 day of the year, but it's 0x101 this year
# catgirlin.space happy birthday!!
# catgirlin.space ooo that means you share a birthday with my friend paige :3
# Loqi [@pc] The strongest argument I've seen for build tools for people who like to write HTML comes from wanting <img src="/assets/riviere-des-parfums/bobun.avif" alt="Bò bún, as served"/> to turn into <picture><source type="image/avif" srcset="/img/2vVJJcmqJM-512.avif 512w,... (https://rrier.fr/@pc/statuses/01J7P2AD1M2MFSBND04BD648JX)
# Loqi [manton.org] Learning about Fediverse Discovery Providers at FediForum. Interesting solution to get search and discovery across instances. (https://www.manton.org/2024/09/13/learning-about-fediverse.html)
to2ds joined the channel
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] Happy birthday Kevin!
# capjamesg[d] I hope you have had a brilliant day!
# Loqi [@mms] Does anyone have a 88x31 button for ko-fi that is not animated? 🙂
#indieweb (https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@mms/113132107546878464)
# Loqi [acegiak.net] Cohost announcing its closure has got me playing around with my own fediverse compatible website again. Looks like the hosting for the main site for microblog(dot)pub, the software I run, is down so I've shifted to my version of the repo to GitHub because that'sand Imma push my... (https://acegiak.net/o/16462edc2f184391a424e9f698bf0302)
# Loqi 88x31 pixels was a very popular web badge/button image size in the 1990s, especially among freewheeling and independent sites created on services like GeoCities, and there are IndieWeb 88x31 badges you may use https://indieweb.org/88x31
# Loqi [@gvalia] #introduction... (https://merveilles.town/@gvalia/113132614802837687)
# Loqi [@Roneyb] O artigo mostra como a migração para o Bluesky pode ser um movimento politicamente importante para a Internet Social descentralizada e fala do papel do Fediverso e dos governos nesse momento.... (https://bolha.us/@Roneyb/113132835559158101)