#stream 2024-10-28
2024-10-28 UTC
Loqi [@stephensauceda] Supporting 'like-of’, ‘in-reply-to’ and ‘mention-of’ types of webmentions at the moment. And added a form to send manual webmentions. Not that anyone ever reads my websiindiewebalone has anything to say about it. #indieweb (https://mastodon.online/@stephensauceda/113382547898999879)

Loqi [@iris_meredith] Tremble, brief mortals! I can now shitpost simultaneously on three different social networks from the safety of my terminal! My dominance of the social media automation space shall be swift and brutal!
#POSSE #indieweb #python (https://mastodon.social/@iris_meredith/113382720209402851)

Loqi [@jelloeater] @jimniels
Well said 🙂
#SmallWeb #indieweb (https://mastodon.social/@jelloeater/113382772612540428)

Loqi [@vonExplaino] Capitalism has invaded the web-ecosystem, what can we learn from invasive species?
#comedy #indieweb #ai #llm (https://mstdn.social/@vonExplaino/113382829463357502)

Loqi [@iris_meredith] Meta's developer program is unbelievably brain-rotted. I have not had an active Facebook presence in nigh on forever (I'm sure the data's floating around somewhere). Now I want to syndicate to Threads, and I cannot get a developer account for love nor money.
#indieweb #privacy (https://mastodon.social/@iris_meredith/113382883880020661)

Loqi [@philnelson] RetroStrange Radio is back! Listen to classic stuff like Dimension X, X-Minus One, and Suspense on our 24/7 old time radio stream. Plain old HTML player, no ads, no bull. https://retrostrange.com/radio1/ #IndieWeb #OldTimeRadio (https://xoxo.zone/@philnelson/113383184157432269)

[aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi [@jalict] One of our community members from Trailmakers made a NeoCities site for his/their fictional company and I enjoy so much watching the development of it!
#indieweb #neocities #smallweb (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@jalict/113384171489932600)

Loqi [@chrisaldrich] @jeremyfelt Congrats on the bodhràn progress. If you've not run across it, #IndieWeb friend @adactio is the eminence gris behind https://thesession.org/. One day perhaps we'll manage a jam session at a camp? (https://mastodon.social/@chrisaldrich/113384198974651835)

Loqi [@orbitalmartian] #AskFedi What license do you all use for your websites?
#IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://alpha.polymaths.social/@orbitalmartian/statuses/01JB9B42FW4A6K03423Z3BGSWY)

srijan and [mattl] joined the channel
Loqi [@kfirbreger] Inspired by all the indie web posts here, I picked up my website again. It’s in a bad shape but I am working on it. I also wrote a blog post again after **checks watch** 4 years. So yeah to that. I plan to do more of this indie web stuff. It’s fun!... (https://mastodon.social/@kfirbreger/113385636897187627)

[Joe_Crawford] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi [@voxpelli] @snarfed.org An old post about #IndieWeb #POSSE to #IRC: https://www.marcus-povey.co.uk/2015/07/30/syndicating-your-indieweb-content-to-irc/ (https://mastodon.social/@voxpelli/113385956894879213)

sebbu2, gRegor and [Murray] joined the channel
Loqi Beschäftige mich mit dem ActivityPub – WordPress plugin und der Möglichkeit, mithilfe von IndieBlocks Markdown zu posten.
#Indieweb #Markdown (https://wittenbrink.net/notes/beschaeftige-mich-mit-dem-activitypub-wordpress-plugin/)

Loqi [@dominik] Yesterday was the day I had worked toward for almost half a year.
A post about working for a goal and the rewarding feeling of reaching it:
#indieweb #running (https://mastodon.design/@dominik/113386789387420163)

[qubyte] and [manton] joined the channel
Loqi [@lars] Done!... (https://mastodon.social/@lars/113387166917322410)