#stream 2024-10-30
2024-10-30 UTC
Loqi [indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Would anyone read a longer article about the #indieweb stuff I've done for my blog? (https://mathstodon.xyz/@j2kun/113393359408057903)

Loqi [indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Does anyone have recommendations for a simple (ideally indie) landing-page / brochure website builder?... (https://social.lol/@nfd/113393428390676717)

Loqi [@JesseSkinner] There are so many topics I'd love to write about, but I just have a blog & newsletter where I've only written about coding for 20 years.
What would you do?
#writing #blog #indieweb
Start a new personal blog for non-coding topics
Publish non-coding topics on the coding blog (https://toot.cafe/@JesseSkinner/113393489522799044)

_shimpbizkit[d], GWG- and rAZ joined the channel
Loqi [@mattl] New websites finally!
I relaunched my website and put my blog back on my site. Also moved the Libre.fm blog to its own website. #indieweb #librefm #eleventy #ghost
https://mat.tl/blog/2024/10/29/new-websites-finally/ (https://social.coop/@mattl/113394641311161789)

Loqi [@mattl] How to migrate from wordpress.com to eleventy via Ghost
#indieweb #librefm #ghost #eleventy (https://social.coop/@mattl/113394668663893631)

barnaby, capjamesg_, capjamesg, IWSlackGateway4, barnabywalters and [tantek]1 joined the channel
Loqi [@lianna] I added a little page about my #PICO8 virtual pet game #PICOBUN to my website :3
#indieweb #smallweb #webrevival (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@lianna/113396776509272717)

[manton] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Loqi [manton.org] The pandemic started to hit America in earnest just as we were wrapping up IndieWebCamp Austin 2020. If the event had been scheduled for even a couple weeks later, it would’ve been cancelled, as everything moved online to Zoom meetings. Years have passed since then. It now... (https://www.manton.org/2024/10/30/the-return-of.html)

Loqi [@voxpelli] @Kye Eg: Somewhat of an similar thing to a bsky PLC (that @laurenshof spoke about here: https://mastodon.social/@laurenshof@indieweb.social/113356654498723193) would be an #IndieWeb nickname cache: https://indieweb.org/nicknames-cache (https://mastodon.social/@voxpelli/113397004237206857)

[Jo], sebbu2, [Murray], [schmarty] and angelo joined the channel
Loqi [@edsu] I've been thinking about @molly0xfff's #xoxo2024 talk about how the web is still a vibrant place to work, and also a place to support other people's work.... (https://social.coop/@edsu/113398176617274646)

Loqi [@countablenewt] My first post is up on my personal blog, The Digital Renaissance talking about why I think the Image Playground app exists at all... (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113398278629442136)

jimw joined the channel
Loqi [@mattl] Nintendo Music is out. I tried it.
#indieweb #blog #music (https://social.coop/@mattl/113398912433662805)