#stream 2024-11-06
2024-11-06 UTC
barnaby joined the channel
Loqi [@mihobu] 🤖 I posted to my photography weblog.
Old Town Albuquerque
#IndieWeb #photography
https://than-no.photo/snapshots-2024-11-05 (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113433617310081673)

barnabywalters, gRegor, angelo and matteo joined the channel
Loqi [@GandalfDG] Outside of established organizations, I'm also going to make myself available to help anyone who needs a safe place to put their voice on the Internet outside of the centralized channels.... (https://indieweb.social/@GandalfDG/113435837347510441)

Loqi [@mihobu] 🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:
Who Are The Americans?
#Murica #IndieWeb
https://mihobu.lol/who-are-the-americans (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113435988038273246)

[Joe_Crawford], [capjamesg], [Ana_R], claudinec and barnabywalters joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] If I had any character space for it I'd have added a hashtag for IndieWeb on thsi reply, on the value of self-publishing in light of the US political news https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113436644249012365
Loqi [@countablenewt] New post on The Digital Renaissance: On The Pursuit of Happiness... (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113436874379573928)

[calumryan], aelaraji and sebbu2 joined the channel
Loqi [@anarodrigues] Thank you for joining us earlier today to hear me gush about my #IndieWeb journey at Open UK Digital. ... (https://front-end.social/@anarodrigues/113437249850350358)

[aciccarello] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
Loqi [adactio.com] My IndieWeb Journey... (https://adactio.com/links/21536)

Loqi [herestomwiththeweather.com] After some time off IndieWeb Meetup Austin is back at Mozart’s Coffee tonight at 7pm. I guess a few things have transpired since the last meeting so I’m looking forward to learning about what’s going on again. (https://herestomwiththeweather.com/2024/11/06/indieweb-meetup-austin-today/)

Loqi [manton.org] I almost forgot: IndieWeb Meetup tonight in Austin, 7pm at Mozart’s Coffee. (https://www.manton.org/2024/11/06/i-almost-forgot.html)

Loqi [@jnv] New blog post 📰
How to install an APK to your Chromecast with Google TV device.
#indieweb #blog
https://basic.bearblog.dev/installing-newpipe-on-googletv/ (https://fosstodon.org/@jnv/113438608741756027)