#stream 2024-11-08
2024-11-08 UTC
[KevinMarks] and aelaraji7 joined the channel
[mattl] i should remember to put something on https://business-website.biz at some point

Loqi [@nhoizey] “Goodbye, Twitter” by @brad_frost... (https://mamot.fr/@nhoizey/113444885070540446)

[tantek] joined the channel
Loqi [@librarymonster] Finally got my #October bulletin board up on my #neocities website! #indieweb f yeah!... (https://glammr.us/@librarymonster/113446318711743023)

barnaby joined the channel
Loqi [@haglund] This weekend I’ll begin the process of moving to @help . I wrote about why on my site https://haglund.app/blog/2024/micro/ #indieweb #blog #microblog (https://hachyderm.io/@haglund/113447371921750054)

angelo_ joined the channel
Loqi [@mihobu] 🤖 I posted to my photography weblog.
Snow in the High Desert
#VideoVignettes #IndieWeb #photography
https://than-no.photo/snow-in-the-high-desert (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113447410765215532)

Loqi [@sol2070] #surfandoWeb #indieweb
O que estou vendo, lendo… Página /now atualizada.
https://sol2070.in/agora (https://mastodon.social/@sol2070/113447538417941964)

Kaja joined the channel
Loqi [@mihobu] 🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:
Why I Weeknote
#Weeknotes #IndieWeb
https://mihobu.lol/why-i-weeknote (https://social.lol/@mihobu/113447759449826011)

Loqi [@ross] I'd like to integrate ActivityPub into my site for easier sharing and feedback. On the fence between Mastodon bot accounts vs. something "native" like Social Inbox:... (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/113447824534168021)

aelaraji and [marksuth] joined the channel
Loqi [@sundeck] Season 3 of Fern River Club is here!... (https://mastodon.art/@sundeck/113448207149533144)

sebbu, gRegor, IWSlackGateway, [schmarty], [tantek], [snarfed] and sebbu2 joined the channel
Loqi [@caleb] 📝 I Use /uses
Back in 2023 I quietly published my /uses #Slashpage. Today I gave it a pass to update things that had fallen out of date.
#NaBloPoMo #NaBloPoMo2024 #Uses #IndieWeb #Microformats
https://calebhearth.com/m/i-use-uses (https://pub.calebhearth.com/@caleb/113448731573323524)

Loqi [@GandalfDG] Some really great information and resources in this video by Elliot Sang on YouTube touching on community involvement, mutual aid, and labor organizing. I'm motivated to help people in the communities I'm a part of to create their own online presence outside of centralized... (https://indieweb.social/@GandalfDG/113448794787138844)

aelaraji, [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi [@flamed] 📝 New Post: How Do I IndieWeb? ... (https://social.lol/@flamed/113449365036136147)

Loqi [@TheIdOfAlan] gonna live stream some code. working on my static site generator/website builder
#IndieWeb #Rust
https://www.twitch.tv/theidofalan (https://hachyderm.io/@TheIdOfAlan/113449880524596055)