#stream 2024-11-14
2024-11-14 UTC
gRegor and [Askan]1 joined the channel
Loqi [@stephensauceda] 📢 I am now POSSE-ing from my own website to Bluesky and Mastodon. Because I'm cool. 😎 That is all. #indieweb
🔗 https://stephensauceda.com/statuses/67355794f5d6c405ec082b97/ (https://mastodon.online/@stephensauceda/113478824366274066)

Loqi [@jcrabapple] 30 Years of Music - My Favorite Albums of 1994
Resharing this post of mine from the summer.
#indieweb #music (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/113478883379522214)

[tw2113], [morganm]2, [snarfed]2 and Dryusdan joined the channel
Loqi [@brianb] "The problem with the pick and mix approach to the indieweb is that it’s inherently individualistic, almost consumerist – my choices, my approach to something, my technology, my thoughts – me and my blog...But simply stating your opinion in isolation lessens your ability to... (https://fosstodon.org/@brianb/113481455842170600)

[tantek] That's a bit of an out of context quote from an otherwise fairly good and interesting blog post. Recommend reading the whole post instead: https://www.thisdaysportion.com/posts/indieweb-in-the-age-of-trump/

Loqi [@humbird0] In some countries, Facebook already sells "internet access" … that only connects to facebook.... (https://mstdn.party/@humbird0/113481710177409389)

[juliaro], [manton] and aelaraji8 joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] Blog Post: Who Invited This Guy?
#blogging #indieweb #smallweb #personalwebsite #webdev #personalweb (https://indieweb.social/@sainthood/113482094510915839)

[schmarty], barnaby, sebbu and aelaraji joined the channel
Loqi [@octothorpes] Most recent domain added to the main Ring: https://mementomovi.wackyneighbor.com/ Put in your birthday, how long you expect to live, and pick a movie and it'll show you where in the movie you are if the movie was your life. We love websites made by people. #weirdweb #cozyweb... (https://hachyderm.io/@octothorpes/113482445822260300)

Loqi [manton.org] Great post by Ben Werdmuller about Bluesky’s popularity and the fediverse. To his list of what works well at Bluesky, I would add this: Bluesky usernames are domain names and millions of people are cool with it. I consider that a win for the IndieWeb. (https://www.manton.org/2024/11/14/great-post-by.html)

Loqi [@kniebes] Seit September 2006 habe ich meinen Flickr Account und seit Mitte 2015 hatte ich das Pro-Account Abo. Ende Dezember wäre die nächste, jährliche Verlängerung fällig gewesen.... (https://ruhr.social/@kniebes/113482527719471745)

[qubyte] joined the channel
Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] [Mathew Ingram at The Torment Nexus]... (https://werd.io/2024/is-bluesky-the-new-twitter-and-if-so-is-that)

Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] I care a lot about the future of social media. It’s how many of us learn about the world and connect to each other; putting something so important in the hands of a handful of centralized corporations has repeatedly proven itself to be harmful. That’s why I’m so excited... (https://werd.io/2024/bluesky-the-fediverse-and-the-future-of-social-media)

gRegor and [Sophia_wood] joined the channel
Loqi [@moksh] Does anyone mirror their website for small protocols like Gemini, Gopher, Finger, spartan, text, nex? If yes, what would the easiest way to mirror to these protocols, I am using Codeberg Pages to host my site... (https://ieji.de/@moksh/113482798105315143)

kerem, barnaby, Julia, [aciccarello] and [pfefferle] joined the channel