#stream 2024-12-20

2024-12-20 UTC
Morganm, gRegor, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, [mmurrah] and sebbu2 joined the channel
[@dominik] Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter is probably the most unique fiction book I’ve read this year. https://dominikhofer.me/murder-in-the-family #book #indieweb (https://mastodon.design/@dominik/113683871400885993)
[jamietanna], [Murray], barnaby, aelaraji5 and aelaraji joined the channel
[@vees] New article draft: The journey to a personal homepage that I'll actually keep writing in https://vees.net/hobbies/writing/linkrot/ #SelfHosting #Blogging #IndieWeb (https://epistolary.org/@vees/113685585965127859)
[@stefan] "People and Blogs is a weekly newsletter series where interesting people talk about themselves and their blogs." https://peopleandblogs.com #blogs #PersonalWebsite #indieweb #interview (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113685436240045177)
[@countablenewt] New post on The Digital Renaissance: On: Stage Manager "Stage Manager is one of those super controversial Apple features, I figured I would share some thoughts on it” https://blog.samclemente.me/on-stage-manager/ #Apple #Technology #Blog #IndieWeb #iPad #Mac (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113685675468143061)
barnabywalters, gRegor, Holi, Kupietz, barnaby, sebbu2, Dryusdan and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[@thibaultamartin] I love having a digital garden that I can really control and tweak to my liking. It’s an enormous privilege, but it brings me peace and motivation. #indieweb #astro #markdown (https://mamot.fr/@thibaultamartin/113687285697163321)
barnaby joined the channel