#stream 2024-12-31
2024-12-31 UTC
Loqi [@dsofeir] @OrionKidder @pluralistic
It's so true, RSS and Atom are still here and we should use them more.
They are an important part of the #indieweb movement:
- https://indieweb.org/RSS
- https://indieweb.org/Atom (https://fosstodon.org/@dsofeir/113744573772763516)

[Joe_Crawford] Citing the indieweb wiki is great. And yes, it's nostalgia. But it's good tooling that the silos and software makers keep deemphasizing, to all our detriments. But they can't be killed. I keep expecting YouTube to deprecate their RSS feeds, and they haven't yet! And podcasting feeds to go away, but they can't be stopped. And that's good.
jimw and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi [@jedidiah] I've just pushed a new version of my website https://jedidiah.dev/
I would really love if you have any crit/feedback/questions/suggestions.
Next I'm going to be finishing off some of the dusty posts sitting in my drafts folder.
#indieweb #blogging #webdev #PersonalSites (https://hachyderm.io/@jedidiah/113746682694033330)

Loqi [@NiwlCraft] when your non-techy friends finally visit your website:
#indieweb (https://mastodon.art/@NiwlCraft/113746976041138007)

Loqi [adactio.com] People spent a lot of time and energy in 2024 talking about (and on) other people’s websites. Twitter. Bluesky. Mastodon. Even LinkedIn.... (https://adactio.com/journal/21625)

Loqi [@saaste] Julkaisin aikaisemmin sen Hugo-oppaan. Minua jäi kaivelemaan se, että Hugon oletusteema sisältää tarpeettoman paljon aloittelijaa sekoittavia piirteitä.... (https://mementomori.social/@saaste/113747708531808867)

Loqi [@chrisjonesio] Because I'm living my best #indieweb life, I put together one of those year-end musical replay lists using my own data. The results are highly questionable and I won't blame you for judging me.... (https://indieweb.social/@chrisjonesio/113747866552945072)

Loqi [manton.org] Off and on for years I had been trying to figure out what a more slimmed down version of Micro.blog would look like. Maybe text-only blog posts, no photos? Maybe only short posts, or only long-form posts? Maybe some limit with podcasting? But taking away certain features... (https://www.manton.org/2024/12/31/microone-will-not-have-source.html)

Loqi [werd.io/profile/benwerd] You know what they say: predictions are like resurgent nationalist movements. Everyone’s got one.... (https://werd.io/2024/predictions-for-tech-2025)

aelaraji7 joined the channel
Loqi [@moksh] I listened to 37951 songs in 2024
(That's approximately 2214 hours of music!)
My favourite song: Yumeichiya by Kawaii Kenji
with 656 plays
#LibreFM #indieweb #music #listening #ShareOpenly (https://ieji.de/@moksh/113748874369517739)

gRegor and sebbu2 joined the channel
Loqi Last day of the year and last chance to #donate to worthy causes for 2024!... (https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/2024/366/t1/last-day-year-donate-worthy-theatermitu)

Loqi Last day of the year and last chance to #donate to worthy causes for 2024!I post a lot about the #indieweb but Iâm not asking you to donate to that.Starting this series of non-profit #donation posts with asking you to consider donating to the #independentArts.Choose an #arts... (https://tantek.com/2024/366/t1/last-day-year-donate-worthy-theatermitu)

Loqi [@jgarber] What are some of your favorite personal #homepage designs (yours or someone else’s)…? What do you like about it/them?
#indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@jgarber/113749507327775263)

Loqi [@countablenewt] If I ever get really bored one day I might switch over to a headless ghost instance for my blog and build my own front end
#IndieWeb #WebDev #GhostCMS #Blog #Developer (https://allthingstech.social/@countablenewt/113749512147822328)

Loqi [tantek.com] Last day of the year and last chance to #donate to worthy causes for 2024!... (http://tantek.com/2024/366/t1/last-day-year-donate-worthy-theatermitu)

Loqi [@vhbelvadi] Once the New Year’s excitement has passed, why not sit down to write something for the #IndieWeb carnival this month? The theme is ‘on the importance of friction’ and has broad interpretations, so let your ideas run wild. ... (https://indieweb.social/@vhbelvadi/113750022447319462)