#stream 2025-01-30
2025-01-30 UTC
Loqi [@jasonwise] Trying to find my place in this little corner of the web.
#indieweb (https://mastodon.social/@jasonwise/113914909206381588)

aelaraji8 joined the channel
Loqi [@fractalkitty] I am on day 39 of my experimental journal.
I am pondering what type of RSS this should/could have. Suggestions?
#indieweb #journal (https://mathstodon.xyz/@fractalkitty/113915488951729169)

Loqi [@is] I wrote something for the #IndieWeb carnival this month, hosted by @vhbelvadi ... (https://hachyderm.io/@is/113915610280202841)

Loqi [@shellsharks] Phew 🥵, what a flurry. Made a ton of changes to the site. The home page now features a mixed feed of all of my posts, notes, logs and other content types. I've also started a link blog to share cool links I come across. Finally, I've figured out how to paginate a TON of stuff,... (https://malici.ous.computer/@shellsharks/statuses/01JJTVXPQQE48M4X0Z0EFAK81B)

Loqi [@foxbutt] i hate to admit this as an #indieweb advocate but i have really been neglecting my personal blog... ugh. i really need to not only start using it again but update the code to improve the usability. posts not having permalinks is a huge issue. but motivation to work on it has been... (https://gulp.cafe/@foxbutt/113915766888019744)

[snarfed] joined the channel
Loqi [@flamed] Made my homepage header easier to read in both dark and light modes.
#homepage #website #indieweb (https://social.lol/@flamed/113916163483963474)

Loqi [@toddalstrom] I've been wanting to blog for a while, so I'm looking for a minimalistic blogging platform that's run by good people and allows me to quickly capture and publish my thoughts.
Thanks in advance for your recommendations!
#blog #blogging #indieweb #askfedi (https://mastodon.social/@toddalstrom/113915691813362887)

[tantek] ^ http://micro.blog opportunity IMO

[Jo] joined the channel
Loqi [@1gd] Finally, my micro website now has a contact form! https://onegood.dev
#webdev #indieweb #personalwebsite (https://mastodon.social/@1gd/113917581061671519)

Cuyer, gRegor and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
Loqi [@countablenewt] New post on The Digital Renaissance: What’s the Matter with Matter?
“I only use Matter over Thread smart home devices—here’s how it’s going”
#Apple #Technology #SmartHome #Matter #IndieWeb #Blog (https://indieweb.social/@countablenewt/113918879640950703)

Loqi [@lee] I’m weighing moving my fediverse presence (but not my website) back to micro.blog rather than running own instance. What I don’t know is if I would still receive like and boost webmentions made on mastodon, though not surfaced on micro.blog #indieweb ... (https://fedi.farron-perry.uk/@lee/113918782795527397)

Loqi [@jcrabapple] My Favorite Concert Memories
#music #indieweb #smallweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/113918893104258663)

Loqi [@jcrabapple] Supporting the Fediverse, one small act at a time
by @_elena
#fediverse #indieweb (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/113918912380702724)

Loqi [@hyde] The 🐻 got interviewed by the 🐑 !!
#blog #fediverse #mastodon #bloggers #indieweb #web (https://lazybear.social/@hyde/113919091356134354)

juggalope[d] joined the channel
Loqi [@jcrabapple] I want to do something different with my Playlists page on my blog, because the Odesli API is a bit slow so the embedded playlist widgets are slow to load. Any suggestions?
#indieweb #blogging #CSS #WebDesign (https://dmv.community/@jcrabapple/113919314656047954)

juggalope[d] and sebbu joined the channel
Loqi [@me] #IndieWeb #Textos
A terra das mecadorias por Ana
https://pudimdepassas.com.br/quimica/mercadorias (https://gts.sfl.pro.br/@me/statuses/01JJWJBXB5QQ2T2GZ1CRW92P84)

Loqi [@rodmoi] The last HTTP status code received from each of the links used within my website can be viewed on this page:
#blog #indieweb (https://mastodon.social/@rodmoi/113919488709881804)

Loqi [@vhbelvadi] The #IndieWeb Carnival round-up for January 2025 is here, with wonderful contributions from @etp , @hamatti, @artlung, @aleemshaun, @is and many more. Thanks to everyone for contributing—it’s been a pleasure hosting the carnival this month.... (https://indieweb.social/@vhbelvadi/113919554661399770)

aelaraji joined the channel
Loqi [@artlung] Notes from today's #IndieWeb #FrontEnd Study Hall have been posted to the indieweb wiki. A terrific conversation, debugging session, history lesson, playtime. Thanks all who participated! https://indieweb.org/events/2025-01-30-front-end-study-hall (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/113919659440139749)

Loqi [@xaseiresh] Thank you Firefox for finally (2024-10) implementing a feature that Chrome has had for a ... A tiny bit... (2020-02)... (https://fosstodon.org/@xaseiresh/113919810902989141)

barnaby and Haroon joined the channel