#stream 2025-02-21
2025-02-21 UTC
Loqi [@readbeanicecream] Surfing the Web in Reader View... (https://mastodon.social/@readbeanicecream/114038999534336869)

[benji], aelaraji and [tw2113] joined the channel
Loqi [@countablenewt] Pushed a whole new design to my personal site! Check it out at https://samclemente.me
#indieweb #buildinpublic #WebDevelopment #Design #technology (https://indieweb.social/@countablenewt/114039374468493999)

Loqi [@artlung] I find it impossible to argue with the sentiment “The internet is a dying mall. Let’s squat it.” https://ideastore.dev/blog/The-Rad-Web/ from @nim of @octothorpes #TheRadWeb #SmallWeb #IndieWeb (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/114039638046395024)

Loqi [@immarisabel] These are the #website #goals for the next month (or 2?):
- aria labels for navigation
- aria labels for the content parsers for the links
- adding wiki content
#blog #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@immarisabel/114041234338305662)

GeneticJen and [qubyte] joined the channel
Loqi [@shellsharks] The fourth edition of the "Scrolls" newsletter is live!... (https://malici.ous.computer/@shellsharks/statuses/01JMM9T5NPR5WJ490N8ZEZKP40)

Loqi [@stefan] Celebrating 16 years since I created my first website!
Here's a blog post commemorating this occasion from last year.
#anniversary #milestone #PersonalWebsite #indieweb (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/114042126035030466)

Loqi [@shellsharks] Here's a question for fellow website-havers / #IndieWeb folks. What's something you would like to do with your site that you haven't done, not because you haven't had the time, but because you're just not sure how to do it? ... (https://shellsharks.social/@shellsharks/114042139183877971)

Loqi [manton.org] Ben Werdmuller on the latest People & Blogs:
My site is my online identity; I write about things that I find interesting. That’s all I want it to be. It’s just me.
Ben’s blog has become one of my favorites. Lately a mix of tech, politics, fediverse, and the IndieWeb. (https://www.manton.org/2025/02/21/ben-werdmuller-on-the-latest.html)

Loqi [@raf] I made a site/plaything where you can hold hands with strangers:
1. go to https://hands.sonnet.io/
2. wait for a buddy
3. hold hands
(recommended with sound on)
#indieweb #art (https://mastodon.cloud/@raf/114042909753952270)

gRegor, [aciccarello], small_cypress, [dave], sebbu, [snarfed], aelaraji and [schmarty] joined the channel
Loqi [tantek.com] Welcome to my first Cybersecurity Friday (CSF) post. ... (http://tantek.com/2025/052/b1/steps-indieweb-cybersecurity)

aelaraji2 joined the channel