Loqi[mastodon.social/tags/webmention] ActivityPub und Webmention bringen einen großen Teil des Fediverse in deine WordPress-Instanz. Aber was sind die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden und wie verwendest du sie? Das und mehr zeige ich dir in diesem Artikel.... (https://epiph.yt/blog/2025/activitypub-und-webmention-in-wordpress/)
Loqi[@ricmac] The premium subscription era is over on Cybercultural. I just refunded the subscribers I had (there weren’t that many), with a note that since I'm publishing all the content for free now on my website, the premium subscription model no longer makes sense.... (https://mastodon.social/@ricmac/114075756449347851)
[qubyte], [schmarty] and aelaraji1 joined the channel
Loqi[manton.org] If you’re in town around SXSW, check out Fediverse House, a 2-day event hosted by Flipboard and Surf. Amazing lineup of folks including Mike McCue, Molly White, Evan Prodromou, and Paul Frazee. I’ll also be giving a short presentation during the developer meetup about... (https://www.manton.org/2025/02/27/if-youre-in-town-around.html)
Loqi[@artlung] “Except February, twenty-eight days clear, and twenty-nine in each leap year.” The #IndieWeb Carnival this month has a writing prompt of "Affirmations" and if you'd like to submit please keep those cards and letters coming! Terrific entries so far.... (https://xoxo.zone/@artlung/114077215379811769)
aelaraji, gRegorLove_, Zegnat and [snarfed] joined the channel