#wordpress 2017-07-14

2017-07-14 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Hello.
What's new?
I recently registered IndieWebPress.com and have been contemplating what to do with it.
I'm thinking a friendlier site for Gen2+ people interested in WordPress for indieweb
instructions, walk throughs, etc.
[dylanon] joined the channel
and a repository for videos/talks
I've been putting some material together for WordCamp presentations, though I don't think I'll be able to make it for WordCampLA in late summer.
IndieWebPress sounds like a pre-configured WordPress install with IndieWeb features built-in by default - no extra installs needed
I've been debating putting together a custom pre-configured WordPress install like that too... would need to build some config for the initial set up.
Then people could download, install, (maybe upgrade portions), and then go.
I've used some preconfigured set ups like this with Drupal in the past, but haven't seen anyone doing this in WP.
could really help lower the barrier for gen 2-3
https://www.drupal.org/project/openscholar is an example of a bundled Drupal core with the half dozen or so additional plugins that academics, researchers, or university related people might spin up and just go
prevented the need to download and install bunches of additional plugins, though they did still need some configuration work to put in the user's particular data
I had a few conversations with one of the senior WP execs at VIP last month and need to follow up.
I also need to see how cleverdevil 's team was going/not going on a one click install with Dreamhost...
GWG, have you seen/heard of WP distribution packages?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
delurks in Maui
[cleverdevil]: tantek left you a message 2 weeks, 4 days ago: see recently posted http://aaroncommand.com/2017/06/25/a-stream-of-consciousness-review-of-the-indie-webs-onboarding-experience-from-a-ux-standpoint/ a bunch of GREAT suggestions for improving WordPress IndieWeb onboarding (including with Bridgy etc.) LOTS of ideas for small & big hack projects there, quick improvments, longer term things.
Haven't started the Micro.blog-integrated one-click work yet.
Should still happen, but not a massive priority at the moment.
Sorry for my absence, I'm really enjoying my vacation ?
cleverdevil What about one-click indieweb wordpress? That's probably more valuable.
Go back to vacationing would'ya... (Though for me, IW is vacation...)
My idea is that they'll be very much the same thing.
I suppose one is a superset of the other....
A properly integrated Micro.blog WordPress install should be a fairly good IndieWeb citizen.
Not sure we will go as far as enabling everything, such as Post Kinds.
[miklb] joined the channel
that’s kinda the direction I’m going with my Permission theme.
not in wp.org but able to install from admin by uploading a zip, then activating/requiring the core IW plugins including post-kinds
just a slow deliberate thought process I’m working through.
Have to jet to run a quick errand... back in a few hours... Let me know if anyone has brilliant thoughts about a stand alone package and/or IndieWebPress use cases.
I like that idea miklb
that was basically my original plan, then I learned about the limits of what can go in theme repo, so I paused the whole thing. Now that I’ve learned there are still ways for a user to install w/out using SFTP or be in repo, but keep up-to-date via admin updates, I’ve started turning the barge back to that direction.
ironically, I picked up indiepress.com in whim ?
davidmead joined the channel
chrisaldrich: IndieWebPress sounds like a great idea
[miklb] joined the channel
Just added location support to attachments in WordPress
Along with auto extraction of location data from exif
[dylanon] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG++ that sounds awesome!
gwg has 11 karma in this channel (254 overall)
I always thought that petermolnar's exif data on photos was pretty cool https://petermolnar.net/category/photo/ location too is cool.
catches up on logs and sees the petermolnar reference in the #indieweb channel ?
tantek, [eddie] and prtksxna joined the channel
I've been invoked :D I recently got rid of the exif location on my site for the images, but I'm considering putting it back; it's an end result of seeing a location in china 1,5 years apart, without garbage and with garbage and it got me thinking
what is exiftool?
It looks like we don't have a page for "exiftool" yet. Would you like to create it?
exiftool is THE most comprehensive image EXIF (and other metadata) extraction utility. It's written in Perl and works as a regular, *nix command line tool. See http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/
I'm not maintaining this and there is a little gardening that should be done, but here's a plugin to extract additional exif: https://github.com/petermolnar/wp-extraexif
[petermolnar] wp-extraexif
it relies on exiftool
my current version is in Python, also using exiftool, here: https://github.com/petermolnar/nasg/blob/master/nasg.py#L492 - the wp-extraexif should be rewritten to use the same way, but I never bothered doing so
actually... that plugin needs a lot of gardening, not just a little :(
prtksxna and [pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning
[petermolnar] wp-extraexif
php 5.2 friendly, populates the existing image meta, has a graceful fallback if something goes wrong, and a filter to specify what to be read
eh, need to update the description file
prtksxna, Ruxton and [miklb] joined the channel
Good day
prtksxna joined the channel
petermolnar, updating your Exif tool?
I saw the discussion, decided to be good guy Peter :P :D
Why Exif tool and not built in support?
because nothing, including exiv2, can read lens information or location properly
I've looked around for pure-python solution a few months ago, and it's miserable
just stick to exiftool
the libexiv2 based ones a promising, but they lack so much
and the exif lib in PHP is... laughable at best
[davidmead], [eddie], [miklb] and tantek joined the channel
Someone on WordPress is confused about how to use the plugins. We need that IndiewebPress site soon, I guess.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG, it's not about having a site, or the name of the domain or page. The content is what matters - we need iteration on "Getting Started with WordPress" page so more people understand (fewer are confused) how to use the plugins
Can you share the specific confusion (link?)
And a way to get people there
getting people there is easier. getting the content "right" so it helps more people is the hard part
tantek has 1 karma in this channel (368 overall)
I think that particular person likely found the plugin and likes the concept, but was probably otherwise unaware of Indieweb.org.
[chrisaldrich]: That's why I offered to take them through it.
I've got to figure out some reasonable video screen capture stuff to make a video (set of videos) to do a walk through for people.
[dylanon] joined the channel
[eddie], [jeremycherfas], prtksxna_, [barryf], [kevinmarks], [miklb] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Got a moment?
tantek joined the channel
sorry, i'm here
what's up GWG?
wonders why I'm not getting notifications?
I am continuing my Simple Location work, but I thought you might have an idea on what I might try next. My list is long and sometimes you've helped me pick
after the craziness of webmentions I got recent with the facebook mom post having something that collapses likes and mentions into facepiles somewhat like Indiependent Publisher would be cool.
finding the actual conversation amidst all the cruft can be difficult.
I meant to ask you if there was an svg for a glasses-type emoji instead of the book or bookmark-esque emoji that post kinds is using for read posts. (That's a tiny thing though...)
I know there were a bunch of people interested in OwnYourSwarm, but I think you already had that on your list.
In order to do that, I need to fix the differences between my storage methods and snarfed's.
I am going to adopt his, which is a pain, but necessary
facepiles has 1 karma
facepile has 1 karma
wow really
note: I *started* my display of webmentions with a facepile (instead of a list of comments/responses)
tantek, my first project, if you recall, was facepiles
first? really? wow
Remember IWC NYC 2014?
That is what I showed.
oh yeah!
I've been enjoying using /PressForward as a built in WP RSS reader. It would be awesome if it had UI and set up for configurable action urls for easily liking, replying, etc.
Bonus points obviously if integrated with post kinds!
I have to fix some Semantic Linkbacks issues I created with that big parsing update.
I've been seeing some errors in the fetch on post kinds lately, I need to spend some time delving into what I'm seeing and post some feedback/examples on those.
Thinking back a few weeks, it might be interesting to resurrect the old WP Links (blogroll) piece (in core) to update it with functionality that's more modern thinking for following people or keeping lists for sharing with others.
If my JS skills were better, I'd love to build a bookmarklet to interface with that for quickly adding people to my "blogroll".
Parts of it are still there
GWG: are events on your roadmap between RSVPs and venues within Simple Location?
I don't know how to push it into core, but it would be cool if the old links/blogroll functionality had h-cards mark up in addition to the rel-me stuff it already has.
I am trying to think if I should reconsider my original plan
Though that could potentially cause issues with how legacy themes handle those h-cards...
I had this idea that posts=h-entry
[Colin Walker] Explaining the test
Which suggests other top level properties should be custom post types
it would be nice if this were fixable in core, though I suspect, as usual that it falls to individual themes.
has kraft seen/heard about this issue and given any thoughts?
GWG: On the converse, do you have anything that you wish had better documentation?
I've got a list I've been making this past week to get ready to begin triiaging for a half-yearly documentation update.
I've made some tweaks to the WP pages this past week, but I think we're ready to have some very specific gen2+ simplified documentation.
And some screencasts/audio with a full walkthrough of all the pieces is something else sitting at the top of my list.
steps away for a bit; I'll be back in 30 or so...
chrisaldrich, how about ideas for enhanced documentation in the plugins themselves
ben_thatmustbeme, tantek, davidmead and [dylanon] joined the channel