#wordpress 2017-07-20

2017-07-20 UTC
davidmead, [kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel
edited /WordPress (+61) "reference for statistic; fix redlink"
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tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
tantek GWG nice idea to have a stats page! aaronpk any change to host a wordpress stats page on the indieweb server/domain?
how would WP stats work? so far all the services offering stats, stats are available because it's one DB or in the case of the-federation.info all those services announce themselves to pubsub and have a stats endpoint that provides the numbers
WP plugin installs on .org are counted like "200+" not super accurate :(
[kevinmarks], tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Ruxton sure, but better than nothing ?
davidmead, Zegnat, [barryf] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I could see doing that yeah
tantek, [kevinmarks] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Getting_Started_on_WordPress (+1643) "/* Webmentions */ plugins; configuration; homepage webmentions"
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[chrisaldrich], tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
heads-up WordPress folks, looks like there is some sort of conflict between the oEmbed plugin and Microformats plugin: https://thopex.de/2017/07/oembed-kaputt/ (also note the comment about "do not know what it does" )