#wordpress 2017-07-22
2017-07-22 UTC
[kevinmarks], tantek and balessan joined the channel
balessan Hello there !
balessan I have recently dived in your indie-web plugins suite and I am having some questions
balessan I saw it's using Webmentions, webfinger, salmon and pubsubhub protocol ( please correct me if am wrong )
balessan which of them being really interesting and used by gnu.social, mastodon and diaspora so I assume if should properly be interoperable
balessan I get it allows us to decentralize, but not yet distribute totally
balessan To reach this goal I am pretty fond of the Social Linked Data ( https://github.com/solid/solid/ ) approach, using RDF and LDP principles
balessan I was wondering if you have opinions on those approach ?
balessan I am personally working on a POC on wordpress related to it : https://github.com/assemblee-virtuelle/wpldp but when I see your solution, I am wondering if I really am useful :-)
balessan If I take the use-case approach, what we are currently trying to achieve is sharing professional profiles ( skills, location, experiences ), between different organisations, without silo-ing the data
balessan And allow the possibility for an organization to search into the federation for covering its needs
balessan And for an organization member to search for projects he could contribute to or work on
balessan I see the indie-web plugins suite perfect for the Posts / Comments / Identity sharing, but what about more professional-related needs ? Is it possible to easily extend it to use custom post types ( such as projects and organization )
balessan Lot of questions here sorry :-)
balessan Hi @Loqi :-)
balessan I am thinking Social Linked Data would be the ideal approach but as I get you're more into practical approachs, I'd like to get your feedback
balessan Yes I was thinking about that :-)
balessan No worries, I just wanted to launch the topic !
balessan Ok
Zegnat I don’t see a lot of data on sharing work related stuff :( https://indieweb.org/resume

balessan It's not completely WordPress specific, but it's WordPress centric in my current work so I assumed it was better to discuss it here first. If you disagree, I would move the discussion :-)
balessan Yep yep I do agree
davidmead, balessan and tantek joined the channel