#wordpress 2017-08-13

2017-08-13 UTC
doubleloop[m], [chrisaldrich], [renem], [jeremycherfas], davidmead, davidmead_, [miklb], tantek, [kevinmarks], [shurcool] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Considering submitting a plugin to WordPress.org but looks like I'll need to read up on using SVN. Anyone got any advice? I saw about apps that provide a GUI for it so is hat the easier route?
you might want to look at the indieweb WP plugins. Pfefferle added a script to use w/Travis CI to auto-deploy to svn when tagging a release.
Thanks miklb, I'll have a look.
Did you have a look at the Likes & Replies plugin?
I haven’t yet. Have kinda been all over the place with my itch list.
[tantek] joined the channel
No worries. That's what I'm considering submitting.
davidmead, [tantek], drkokandy, tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel