2017-08-15 UTC
tbbrown, doubleloop[m], [cleverdevil], tantek and [tantek] joined the channel
# 01:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:59 Loqi [deanc] wordpress-plugin-git-svn: Deploy a wordress plugin from within GIT to Wordpress.org's SVN repository
# 02:04 [miklb] there’s a neat little Grunt task in the IW WP repos that make a readme.txt out of the README.md too. Or maybe it’s the other way, but handy nonetheless.
# 02:09 [miklb] If I’m doing the reacji thing, and I filter all incoming replies for single emoji, I should just save it with commentmeta, with the short_name or the whole array?
# 02:09 Ruxton_ i'd argue they should be kept seperate miklb, readme.md at repo root for a "how to use this code/repo" and wordpress readme.txt with user usage specifics
tantek, tbbrown, jeremycherfas and [miklb] joined the channel
# 14:21 [miklb] so I think I have a plan for how to deal with _incoming_ reactions, but not sure how to handle existing ones. (re: reacji)
tantek, dougbeal|iOS, [cleverdevil] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
# 17:42 [miklb] the plan for incoming replies is to check if the content is a single emoji. If it is, store the array of info (including simple name and skin tone) as commentmeta.
# 17:42 [miklb] then I would be able to get an array of all the simple names, and loop through each one for a facepile. Do a secondary loop for skin tone.
# 17:44 [miklb] Once I started thinking about what to do with existing comments, I got sidetracked.
# 17:46 GWG I have been meaning to play with comment migration for new custom comment types for Semantic Linkbacks
# 17:47 [miklb] I *think* there is a way to run comment update and set a flag, but I haven’t dug in far enough yet.
# 17:52 GWG If the code is popular, would you want to merge it?
# 17:53 [miklb] merge what? I mean, I’m always about merging just not sure where you would want to merge it into.
tbbrown joined the channel
# 17:55 [miklb] Either way, I’m going to get it working, then would look for assistance making it better and able to be a part of one of the existing plugins.
# 17:57 [miklb] what I’m looking to make in a nutshell is a way to create facepiles for single emoji responses.
# 17:58 GWG Someone was converting likes to emojis for display also
# 17:59 GWG What if you have a lot of different emoji responses?
# 17:59 [miklb] I’ve been curious about the bridgy FB backfeed emoji. on FB a like is a :thumbsup: but Twitter it ❤ and FB has it’s own heart.
# 18:00 [miklb] that’s certainly a possibility, but probably best solved in the theme. Maybe make a way to get all the single responses
# 18:01 [miklb] just mean provide a function of the query for themers to use.
# 18:02 [miklb] same as the facepile functions in Semantic Linkbacks has now.
# 18:02 GWG They need work. But the idea is that there is a default presentation for unsupported themes. And any theme can design a presentation from scratch or with the functions.
# 18:03 GWG Allows different levels of theme development.
# 18:03 GWG I have been working on the same for Simple Location and Syndication Links.
# 18:04 GWG Allowing the range from just works to full theme control with helper functions
gRegorLove joined the channel
[manton], tbbrown, [miklb], gRegorLove, [aarongustafson], tantek, wagle and GWG joined the channel