#wordpress 2017-08-15

2017-08-15 UTC
tbbrown, doubleloop[m], [cleverdevil], tantek and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell colinwalker if you use git for your stuff already and just need to get to SVN for WordPress - https://github.com/deanc/wordpress-plugin-git-svn
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[deanc] wordpress-plugin-git-svn: Deploy a wordress plugin from within GIT to Wordpress.org's SVN repository
there’s a neat little Grunt task in the IW WP repos that make a readme.txt out of the README.md too. Or maybe it’s the other way, but handy nonetheless.
If I’m doing the reacji thing, and I filter all incoming replies for single emoji, I should just save it with commentmeta, with the short_name or the whole array?
i'd argue they should be kept seperate miklb, readme.md at repo root for a "how to use this code/repo" and wordpress readme.txt with user usage specifics
fair point
tantek, tbbrown, jeremycherfas and [miklb] joined the channel
so I think I have a plan for how to deal with _incoming_ reactions, but not sure how to handle existing ones. (re: reacji)
tantek, dougbeal|iOS, [cleverdevil] and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
What is the plan?
It looks like we don't have a page for "plan" yet. Would you like to create it?
[miklb] joined the channel
the plan for incoming replies is to check if the content is a single emoji. If it is, store the array of info (including simple name and skin tone) as commentmeta.
then I would be able to get an array of all the simple names, and loop through each one for a facepile. Do a secondary loop for skin tone.
What keys?
I haven’t got that far. ?
Once I started thinking about what to do with existing comments, I got sidetracked.
I have been meaning to play with comment migration for new custom comment types for Semantic Linkbacks
I *think* there is a way to run comment update and set a flag, but I haven’t dug in far enough yet.
set a flag so it only has to be run once.
If the code is popular, would you want to merge it?
merge what? I mean, I’m always about merging just not sure where you would want to merge it into.
Semantic Linkbacks?
What would it look like?
tbbrown joined the channel
Either way, I’m going to get it working, then would look for assistance making it better and able to be a part of one of the existing plugins.
which code are you referring to?
what I’m looking to make in a nutshell is a way to create facepiles for single emoji responses.
Someone was converting likes to emojis for display also
What if you have a lot of different emoji responses?
I’ve been curious about the bridgy FB backfeed emoji. on FB a like is a :thumbsup: but Twitter it ❤ and FB has it’s own heart.
that’s certainly a possibility, but probably best solved in the theme. Maybe make a way to get all the single responses
That's a query
just mean provide a function of the query for themers to use.
same as the facepile functions in Semantic Linkbacks has now.
They need work. But the idea is that there is a default presentation for unsupported themes. And any theme can design a presentation from scratch or with the functions.
Allows different levels of theme development.
I have been working on the same for Simple Location and Syndication Links.
Allowing the range from just works to full theme control with helper functions
I may work back from theme control to just works
Good approach
I worked the other way
gRegorLove joined the channel
what is ransomware
It looks like we don't have a page for "ransomware" yet. Would you like to create it?
[manton], tbbrown, [miklb], gRegorLove, [aarongustafson], tantek, wagle and GWG joined the channel