#wordpress 2017-08-24

2017-08-24 UTC
[chrisaldrich] and tantek joined the channel
has anyone enhanced their WP blog template permalink pages so that the comments are marked up with nested h-entry
was chatting with [chrisaldrich] about this
dougbeal|imac and [miklb] joined the channel
I do not use h-entries. Mine are `h-as-reply u-comment h-cite` I cribbed I believe from GWG’s mf2_s theme
but I should revisit that someday.
oh dear - all the h-as-* stuff is deprecated
Brainstorming for a Comment Microformat
what should it be? I’d love to have proper markup, if you’ve got suggestions
tantek: I got rid of h-as. I got it from pfefferle.
ah we had a whole h-cite vs h-entry debate a while ago I remember
That's why I removed h-entry on comments, based on that
makes sense
that takes me back to the original question in #indieweb-meta brb
Which? I just got here
is confused too now.
I thought it was there - was discussing with aaronpk showing comment contents
apologizes to miklb
GWG, do you have an example of a comment marked up with h-cite on your blog?
No. I need to update the markup on my site. I fixed it in my test code.
oh cool - test code / site would be great for testing too
[David Shanske] My lights now turn on by speaking to my phone. There should be badges for geeky things, the kind Boy Scouts get for tying knots.
Old post I copied for testing
[grantcodes] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG look at you with the fancy facepile likes on that example^^
[chrisaldrich]: I merged that PR into Semantic Linkbacks. Probably needs some updates though.
Will the u-photos on the comment avatars throw off things like the Bridgy Publish plugin and force it to syndicate the photo to Twitter?
or would they be okay because they're nested both within the comment section as well as within individual comment p-comments?
It shouldn't.
But that code needs more refinement before it gets pushed to stable.
I got a suggestion or two from pfefferle. Just seriously behind
I know how you feel. I'm even getting behind on the day work. D-day for the move is 9/2-9/3 and I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all finished and packed up.
I figure I'm ahead due MNL
Which reminds me I need to order new utilities so I can have internet access to begin playing catch up...
Yeah, I suspect you're WAY ahead after MNL!
[chrisaldrich]: After 9/2...time for VHWC NA?
[miklb], tantek, [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning all
[colinwalker] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
If I reply to a received webmention, does that automatically go back to the sender or do I have to do something special?
jeremycherfas and [pfefferle] joined the channel
jeremycherfas this is not yet part of the webmention plugin, but there is an experimental plugin that should enable it (please let me know if you find issues) https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention-for-comments
[pfefferle] wordpress-webmention-for-comments: WebMention support for (threaded) comments
if the plugin gets stable status I will merge the code into the main plugin
Thanks. I may give that a try later today. Before I do, one question: does it need to be told that you are replying to a webmention rather than a local comment?
no, you do not have to change or setup anything… you only have to enable threaded comments, so you will be able to answer to comments…
everything else is done by the plugin
 Great. Thanks. I will give it a spin.
thanks, and I am curious of your feedback
I’ll take notes!
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
guten morgen
[pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning GWG
Good morning, [pfefferle].
What's going on with you?
brokaw, [eddie], [miklb], [muhh], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], tantek and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Is it normal for Telegraph to report “The webmention endpoint did not return a status URL” for the WP webmention plugin?
yeah i dont think WP returns status URLs
WordPress doesn't
It is an architecture thing.
tantek joined the channel
Ah ok cool, thanks. jeremycherfas sent one but it didn't go through. My test got the same so wanted to make sure it wasn't an issue.
yeah that's not a problem, it just means when you send a webmention you don't have any way to check whether it's been processed
arush, [kevinmarks], brokaw and [cleverdevil] joined the channel