[grantcodes] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]GWG look at you with the fancy facepile likes on that example^^
#GWG[chrisaldrich]: I merged that PR into Semantic Linkbacks. Probably needs some updates though.
#[chrisaldrich]Will the u-photos on the comment avatars throw off things like the Bridgy Publish plugin and force it to syndicate the photo to Twitter?
#[chrisaldrich]or would they be okay because they're nested both within the comment section as well as within individual comment p-comments?
#GWGBut that code needs more refinement before it gets pushed to stable.
#GWGI got a suggestion or two from pfefferle. Just seriously behind
#[chrisaldrich]I know how you feel. I'm even getting behind on the day work. D-day for the move is 9/2-9/3 and I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all finished and packed up.
#Loqi[pfefferle] wordpress-webmention-for-comments: WebMention support for (threaded) comments
#[pfefferle]if the plugin gets stable status I will merge the code into the main plugin
#jeremycherfasThanks. I may give that a try later today. Before I do, one question: does it need to be told that you are replying to a webmention rather than a local comment?
#[pfefferle]no, you do not have to change or setup anything… you only have to enable threaded comments, so you will be able to answer to comments…