2017-08-29 UTC
tantek joined the channel
# GWG I released a new version of Syndication Links last night. Next is Post Kinds
# GWG I was very productive in July, somewhat less in August.
# GWG Ruxton, and you are noted in the changelog
# GWG Strange. Maybe I did one = instead of two
tantek and EmreSokullu joined the channel
# Ruxton so, bridgy-publish plugin looks to advertise it's syndicatable endpoints, but doesn't look to ever processes them outside of the admin UI
[miklb] joined the channel
# [miklb] i noticed that today when trying to use the shpub CLI script
# [miklb] if you mean `bridgy-publish_twitter` is the exposed endpoint
EmreSoku_, EmreSokullu, tantek, [colinwalker], [miklb] and davidmead joined the channel