#GWGI am trying to figure out how to approach the h-card enhancements I want to do. There are two differing opinions. The h-card enhancements should be in the Indieweb plugin or the plugin should have nothing in it but an installer, onboarder.
#GWGAt this point, either I work on enhancing it within the existing plugin, regardless of its uncertain future or I work on it independently
#GWGMerging requires signoff by a community member. Due debate, not sure if anyone would.
#GWG!tell pfefferle, miklb Would you approve enhancements to the h-card functionality in the Indieweb plugin even as its existence in that location is debated?
#[pfefferle]I have no strong opinion on that… If the feature is optional and I am able to opt-out (or even better, if it is an opt-in feature) I am ok with both…
#Loqi[pfefferle]: GWG left you a message 6 minutes ago: Would you approve enhancements to the h-card functionality in the Indieweb plugin even as its existence in that location is debated?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#GWGOkay. I just want to enhance it for my own use right now. So I will take that as no one objecting until or if we ever come to a consensus on the other issue
#GWGI will see about making the feature easier to use and not use at the same time.
#GWGData portability. Enhancements to data should be plugin territory. Styling them should be theme territory.
#GWGSo, any extra profile fields in the user profile should be done by plugin, along with the associated logic, if possible.
#GWGFor example, the facepile code I sent over as a PR has an automatic implementation....adding to the comment field. But it also can be called as a function, placed in the theme, and styled.
#GWGI'm moving in that direction for everything. Ruxton, for example, wanted to be able to use the functionality of some of my plugins but wanted a different output
jeremycherfas, tantek, [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
#[pfefferle]Ah, that is what you meant… I thought the “normal” author hcard for the post