Ruxton!tell GWG last commit to bridgy-publish got it publishing again, but I just noticed it overwrote an existing syndication link. eg. Post came from ownyourgram (so it had instagram syndication link and syndicate-to for facebook/twitter), after the bridgy-publish ran it was only had facebook/twitter syndication links
Ruxtonwell posts from OWG have typically left an instagram syndication link behind and now that bridgy-publish is working, i'm only getting the syndication links from bridgy-publish in metadata
Ruxtonin theory the same thing would happen posting a link from anywhere that contained both syndicate-to and a syndication, i'll get an example of the post data from my log
LoqiGWG: [pfefferle] left you a message 4 hours, 8 minutes ago: are there any global versions to get the post-kinds-icon and the post-kinds-type? something like get_posttypes_icon() ???