2017-09-15 UTC
davidmead joined the channel
# 01:14 GWG [miklb]: How did you come across that?
[miklb] joined the channel
# 01:25 [miklb] I only looked at that page, but I like from what I can tell that it can do a bulk install. not sure I had seen that before
# 01:26 [miklb] Need to look at it closer though. Was skimming things in between other stuff, so stuck it here being lazy
# 01:27 GWG I wonder if they would accept feedback
# 01:29 [miklb] I don’t see a link to a public repo for the installer helper plugin
# 01:41 GWG But what else should be in the Indieweb plugin?
# 01:46 [miklb] I need to loop back to that conversation. Summer vacations broke down the discussion, but worth re-opening. I’ve been preoccupied with trying to get my 2 satellite blogs done so I can focus on my main site and the ideas I have for it.
# 01:49 [miklb] yeah, that’s what the indieweb plugin used to use (TGM)
# 02:00 GWG The current installer is fine for the immediate future, but I still want to find a wizard library
# 02:07 Ruxton the problem with TGM is people tend not to rename the class, everyone uses the same initialisation class and BEWM, you have a page of theme suggetsions and indieweb suggestions
# 02:36 Ruxton Some themes and plugins I've used in the past use TGM and they all show up together
# 02:36 GWG Ruxton: I meant, for enhancing the Indieweb plugin...specifically the Installer part and the Identity part.
# 02:41 Ruxton oh, I'm using ZenPress theme with Bridgy, Hum, Micropub, Post Kinds, Semantic-Linkbacks, Web Actions, Web Mention, WebMenton for Comments
# 02:41 GWG I know. I have some thoughts on some of those.
# 02:41 GWG Are you using the rel-me/Identity functionality of the Indieweb plugin?
# 02:42 Ruxton nah I have widgets that output a link category for all my rel-me stuff
# 02:44 GWG I have to enhance that feature for people who don't want to use it.
# 02:45 GWG But I'm working on it because I broke my implementation. Figured might as well fix it for all.
# 02:45 Ruxton I cant really understand a reason for not using almost all of those plugins together, using 1 or 2 doesn't fulfill the experience, but the installer presents it like it's kind of possible to just use pieces. Arguably using only pieces of the experience is damaging to the end goal
# 02:46 Ruxton but quite possibly the largest blocker to anyone picking all this up, is a theme with support for everything that looks good and works
# 02:46 Ruxton that's why I've been working on ZenPress integration stuff so much lately
# 02:59 GWG Ruxton: Did you look at the code built into Semantic Linkbacks?
# 03:16 GWG pfefferle wanted some changes on that before it went stable I'll have to get to
# 03:17 Ruxton cool, what were the changes just out of interest?
# 03:28 GWG Well, from the context, he seemed to want something like what I did in Post Kinds...a templating system
spaceoyster, jeremycherfas and doubleloop joined the channel
# 13:28 doubleloop What would be the best way to POSSE notes to Mastodon from Wordpress (such that is also works via micropub)?
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 14:54 jeremycherfas Hey GWG what's the story for displaying facepiles for content-free webmentions to WP?
# 14:54 GWG Working on it, just really behind
# 16:16 sknebel at the bottom, the author of that article has 4 issues:
# 16:16 sknebel 1) the authors are wrongly linked (linking to the posts/bridgy-proxy-pages)
# 16:17 sknebel 4) callback for the manual webmention form isn't nice
# 16:19 sknebel but they also have native comments, so I'm not sure how they'd mix
# 16:20 aaronpk To clarify, since it was confusing to me, those are issues the author has with the current state of the webmention plugin and would like solutions to those problems
[miklb] joined the channel
# 16:21 GWG The code in the Semantic Linkbacks repo works now
# 16:23 sknebel [miklb]: you provided someone with a template they could copy stuff from, all good I think :)
# 16:23 GWG The profile image issue is on our list for Semantic Linkbacks also.
# 16:29 GWG WordPress core really should support local avatars
# 16:30 [miklb] sorry, being snarky this morning after the techcrunch article all but claims WordPress === Automattic
# 16:30 GWG But it shouldn't be the only option to depend on a third-party
# 16:31 GWG It has been in long enough I am not proposing gravatar leave core
[shurcool], [miklb], tbbrown, tantek, [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel