#wordpress 2017-09-28

2017-09-28 UTC
petermolnar, spaceoyster, tantek, [kevinmarks], [keithjgrant] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Is there a way to add two Post Kinds to a single post. Suppose I have a drink post kind and I also post a photo of it? Would that be considered a eat post kind or a photo post kind?
[xavierroy]: There isn't. Only one person expressed interest in that.
[kevinmarks] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
dshanske Consider as +1 for that. I also raised a couple of issues in GitHub.
I saw. Raise as many as you think of
Multi kind is hard the way I designed the plugin, so I gave it a low priority, but I love new ideas and try to implement as many as make sense to me
I keep my ideas there too
What is your site?
This post could be a drink kind post and also a photo post (copied over from Instagram using Keyring)
[Xavier] #nowhaving Lemongrass flavoured #kombucha #nowhaving Lemongrass flavoured #kombucha http://xavierroy.com/wp-content/uploads/20902801_126388551321674_558200673074675712_n.jpg
[keithjgrant], spaceoyster, [grantcodes], [kevinmarks], tantek, [cleverdevil], [shurcool], tbbrown and [photography] joined the channel