#wordpress 2017-10-03

2017-10-03 UTC
tantek, [tantek], [keithjgrant] and [miklb] joined the channel
How goes it?
tantek, [shurcool], [kevinmarks], [tantek], spaceoyster, sebsel and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Hi aaronpk I had asked my webhosters about stripping the headers and this is their reply:
I'm sorry we do not strip anything. You would need to try:
Alternatively, you can set MICROPUB_LOCAL_AUTH to 1 to use WordPress's internal user login instead of tokens.
Other than that I don't have any other answer as I am not familiar with that plugin although I see on https://wordpress.org/plugins/micropub/ that it is only tested up to Wordpress 4.6.7
Also, looks like people are having trouble using it even with the recommended apps to publish https://wordpress.org/support/topic/any-chance-of-a-tutorial/
Please let me know if we can be of further assistance.
[Ryan Barrett] Description A Micropub server plugin. From micropub.net: Micropub is an open API standard that is used to create posts on one’s own domain using third-party clients. Web apps and native apps (e.g. iPhone, Android) can use Micropub to post short...
hm those comments are over 2 years old, I'm pretty sure things have gotten a lot better since then
i'm also not super familiar with the plugin, maybe GWG might have some more thoughts?
[cleverdevil], [ob] and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
You rang?
[shurcool], [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], [tantek], [miklb], tantek and [eddie] joined the channel