#wordpress 2017-10-07

2017-10-07 UTC
[miklb], [chrisaldrich], tantek and [eddie] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: I read your post. Facepiles do work with Independent Publisher
[miklb] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Morning IndieWeb
!tell chrisaldrich Following up on your excellent facepiles post, I noticed that on my site I'm getting the mentions and reposts repeated under Webmentions. See here http://www.eatthispodcast.com/australia-where-healthier-diets-are-cheaper/ What I'd like, of course, is mentions with content to be displayed in full. Can't seem to crack this one. Theme is a child of Independent Publisher.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Jeremy Cherfas] Australia: where healthier diets are cheaper … ... but people spend more to eat badly
sebsel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremycherfas, I can help with that. You need to remove some code.
Hi GWG; what code, where? Is it in the theme or what?
In Independent Publisher, in the comment template, the developer specifically styles webmentions. You can comment that out.
I have a PR into the developer for a bunch of Indieweb plugin compatibility and mf2 enhancements
Cool. Thanks. I'll take a look when I get a break from my current audio editing.
[dshanske] #279 Add Several Indieweb Enhancements
[grantcodes] joined the channel
GWG If I comment out the block starting here https://github.com/raamdev/independent-publisher/blob/master/comments.php#L98 then that removes all the webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks displays the facepiles. Ideally, I would like facepiles for Likes and Reposts, but display anything with actual content. How would I do that? I'm not seeing a distinction in the types of wembmentions, but I'm also not sure where to look.
[miklb] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] #289 Display only Mentions in Webmentions
jeremych_, jeremycherfas and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: The actual content is converted to a comment right now
I don't understand. If I block out that section, I don't see it appearing as an ordinary comment.
[eddie] and jeremych_ joined the channel
!tell GWG I think I may have figured it out. Still a bit confused, so will check back with a slightly fresher brain, probably on Monday.
[miklb] and tantek joined the channel