#wordpress 2017-10-18
2017-10-18 UTC
EmreSoku_, [eddie], [miklb], [keithjgrant], el3ctron and [jefferydperry] joined the channel
[jefferydperry] Got it
[jefferydperry] define('IS_PROFILE_PAGE', true);
[jefferydperry] require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/user-edit.php' );
[jefferydperry] /** Load User Editing Page */
[jefferydperry] That is what I have in there now
[miklb] no, I mean in the admin part of your site /profile.php not the file

[jefferydperry] it had my other site in there
[jefferydperry] I have since changed it but it still shows the <span> code
[jefferydperry] It now links to jeffperry.blog instead of the other website
[jefferydperry] Jeff Perry
[jefferydperry] I know
[jefferydperry] I do have it active
[jefferydperry] let me deactivate it
[jefferydperry] I haven't edited the theme except some widgets
[jefferydperry] That did it
[jefferydperry] I just needed to deactivate the plugin
[jefferydperry] Thank you so much miklb
[jefferydperry] I see
[jefferydperry] Well, now that I have that handled. What do I need to do to make sure I have everything to make sure my site is Indieweb ready?
[jefferydperry] I can do that
[jefferydperry] I have micro pup installed. I haven't touched it though
[jefferydperry] Yeah, I have that set already
[jefferydperry] Right
[jefferydperry] I think I have the basics set up. My biggest thing is I want to have micro.blog be a hub for me to post things on my blog
[miklb] if you haven’t joined, https://micro.blog/slack

[jefferydperry] I think I have that set up as well
[jefferydperry] I am testing things currently to see it it works like that
[jefferydperry] Yeah it took some changes to the feed settings since i put them in wrong but they are all good now.
[jefferydperry] I wonder if there is an easier way to post micro-content into wordpress on iOS than the native app
[jefferydperry] I guess i am not sure what the difference between native and non-native formats are
Loqi Quill is a simple app for posting text notes to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/Quill

[jefferydperry] hmmm I am not sure if I have things set up right to use Quill
[jefferydperry] Yeah I have that
[jefferydperry] It is installed and activated
tbbrown joined the channel
[jefferydperry] I never logged in.
[jefferydperry] It seems I can't
[miklb] https://indiewebify.me has a test, it might help debug that

[miklb] I snickered at Donncha’s photo this morning https://odd.blog/2017/10/17/the-aftermath-of-hurricane-ophelia/

[jefferydperry] weird. So I was able to sign in to Quill but I can't get indiewebify.me get and link back
[jefferydperry] Yeah the wiki and Quill are good
[jefferydperry] no worries
[jefferydperry] I thank you for holding my hand in this whole process. It really helped me out
[jefferydperry] Thanks ?
[jefferydperry] I am off for now. It is almost 2:30 am for me. Good night everyone!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] good morning!

[pfefferle] ? so much action here

[pfefferle] miklb the OStatus is a very old stand alone plugin that should work without any other services… The salmon plugin is a bit old and needs some refactorings, but even that should work as is…

EmreSoku_, wagle_, jeremycherfas and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] I have no idea what you mean with microformats rendering…

[pfefferle] sorry ?

[pfefferle] regarding themes or uf2-plugin?

[pfefferle] I think there is no update yet and I am not sure if I am the perfect one to ask ?

[pfefferle] sure

[pfefferle] that is also my problem

[pfefferle] and I have no real issue atm.

[heydon], brokaw, tantek and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] what about using APIs internally?

tbbrown, [barryf], [eddie], brokaw, [tantek] and [miklb] joined the channel
jeremycherfas, [markmhendrickso and [barryf] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] ?

[pfefferle] I am also not sure ?

dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
[pfefferle] no, I really meant APIs

tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle] extending the WP API

[pfefferle] the database as API is a bad idea

[pfefferle] it causes a lot of discussions and a change on one plugin can kill several others

[pfefferle] I am not sure what exacly your problem is…

[pfefferle] you mean the represantation of the micropub data?

[pfefferle] hmmm I am not sure…

[pfefferle] are there differnet plugins that are providing the same set of data?

[pfefferle] ah ok, I see… now I know again…

[pfefferle] but you will have the same problem again and again and again

[pfefferle] perhaps we should build a single monolith wordpress plugin? ?

[pfefferle] but then you have the same discussion we had in the uf2 plugin

[pfefferle] you always need one extra plugin without a need, a user understands

[pfefferle] and if you do not have it you can not persist?

[pfefferle] I am still not convinced…

[pfefferle] sounds to complicated for plugin developers

[pfefferle] if i introduce a new field I have to extend the storage plugin and have to also build a local fallback

[kevinmarks], tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
brokaw and tbbrown joined the channel