#wordpress 2017-10-29

2017-10-29 UTC
tantek, Ruxton, [eddie], EmreSokullu, tbbrown, [jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas, [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
Hello, [miklb]
How goeS?
back in the USofA?
I’ve been in a funk, again. Life/work stuff mostly has me down and not really doing anything productive.
I'm sorry to hear.
I'm back at home, and trying to get into my routine so I can resume work.
Contemplating how to best integrate mf2_post into the overall plugin
literally reaching 4 month point of trying to nail down a job. Had 4th interview 2 weeks ago, was told I would know something by end of week, haven’t heard anything.
4 months for same job I should say
you’d think I was applying to be CTO
instead of support engineer
I’ve just been playing with linters and bots mostly, nothing pushed to GitHub
I hope something hits soon
I’m cool with either a yeah or nay, just want some finality to it. I’d obviously prefer a yes. But at least I would know something definitive and be able to plan a new course
I sympathize.
I spent last week trying to get things done in other offices and hopefully it will stick.
But like you, I would rather something definitive happen
raretrack, [miklb], sebsel, [keithjgrant] and tantek joined the channel