#wordpress 2017-11-09

2017-11-09 UTC
tantek, [eddie], [miklb], Kaja, sebsel, Ruxton, drkokandy, tbbrown and [asuh] joined the channel
I have a thought about the Microformats 2 plugin. After some research, I understand that `.p-name`, which is preferred class used for Twitter tweets, is attached to the Title field in the WordPress editor.
In a default theme, I try not to have super long titles that get anywhere close to 140 characters. Now that Twitter is officially 280, it makes less sense for the title field to default to `.p-name` for tweets. I think it makes more sense for WordPress Post editor to treat tweets the same as FB messages in this sense. But that’s a different issue for Bridgy.
In the meantime, does it make sense to update the Microformats 2 plugin us use the post editor field as p-name by default? Maybe a checked Twitter checkbox on “Bridgy Publish To” could be the trigger for switching the class `.p-name` to the editor field?
Another benefit for the above is tweetstorms could be written as post content and broken up into multiple tweets. Maybe that is technically a difficult thing to do, I wouldn’t know.
doubleloop[m], [jeremycherfas], davidmead and tantek joined the channel
[asuh] This is not just the Microformats 2 plugin for Wordpress, but the indieweb-definition of 'note'. I believe that definition is most simply put as "a short post without a title". Since a title gets the markup p-name, a note has no p-name, but because in Mf2, everything has to have a name, the most broadly accepted solution is to use the p-name on the p-content, so that they are the same. Then 'note' becomes "a short
post who's name and content are equal".
I agree that it is a bit weird.
Zegnat, [kevinmarks], davidmead and rMdes_ joined the channel
I was wondering if this WP plugin could be moded to bring "reactions' to the indieweb pack plugin
jeremycherfas, [keithjgrant], tbbrown, tbbrown_, [tantek] and [asuh] joined the channel
sebsel Yes I understand it’s complex b/c of the definition. However, I believe that the new 280 character limit as well as tweetstorms make it more meaningful if, because that plugin sets the class name to the title field, it could add it elsewhere like your suggestion of using `.p-name` on `.p-content`. It would also be good for SEO so that there aren’t a bunch of ~140-280 character titles that are actually not titles but rather tweet
[eddie], [keithjgrant], tantek, [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks], [jeremycherfas], raretrack, [miklb], [dgold] and tbbrown joined the channel