2017-12-06 UTC
[kevinmarks], tantek and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
# 01:15 [mrkrndvs] Am thinking about how we might support Gen 2 & 3 people in coming onboard
tantek_, tantek, [miklb], [kevinmarks], [jeremycherfas], tyler-web, Magnus, foobar1, jeremycherfas, jeremych_ and [andrea_arbogast joined the channel
tantek and [andrea_arbogast joined the channel
# 16:58 [andrea_arbogast Does anyone know of a good markdown importer for WP? I have content in jekyll format.
# 16:59 [andrea_arbogast I have seen advice to export jekyll to RSS and then use the rss importer, but I would rather not stand my jekyll instance back up…
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 17:22 jeremych_ Bulk importer, no, sorry.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:26 jeremych_ hing I really do not understand about WP and indieweb; how important is it to use an indieweb enabled theme? Can I get away with the plugins and, say, twentyseventeen?
# 17:27 jeremych_ There's a site I want to bring into the fold, preferably without going for a new theme.
# 17:29 tantek jeremych_: I was going to say that the WordPress Theme page should have a "Why" section where it answers exactly that question you asked
# 17:30 jeremych_ I'll wait till you find it ...
# 17:37 jeremych_ Might see whether uf2 plugin will do the business.
# 17:39 Loqi [<span class='p-author h-card'>andrea</span>] Site Notes
# 17:40 jeremych_ Thanks tantek
# 17:40 [andrea_arbogast If you are OK with doing that, you should be able to use other themes.
# 17:43 jeremych_ I'm OK with doing that, but if I'm going to get into that, I think I'd rather put the effort into building a child of an existing indie theme.
# 17:45 jeremych_ Is there somewhere I can see a live preview of MF2_S GWG?
[eddie] joined the channel
# 18:01 jeremych_ Tantek ^^^ please take a look
# 18:03 [andrea_arbogast Thanks sknebel
# 18:14 tantek jeremych_: I'll try to edit a bit to simplify the text for folks who might otherwise just skim
[manton] joined the channel
# 18:45 tantek jeremych_: ^^^ would appreciate your thoughts on that iteration too
# 18:45 tantek tried to keep the concepts you added, made a lot of sense to me
# 18:48 jeremych_ Thanks. I like what you have done, but will just shift the final idea, as I feel that belongs better under how than why. Give me a minute.
# 18:52 jeremych_ Got a bit wordy again, with too many options, but I think this is worthwhile.
# 18:52 tantek sometimes we have to capture new meaning/content with more words before we can distill them into fewer words
# 18:52 jeremych_ Is the article still a stub? I've never really understood where the limit lies.
# 18:53 jeremych_ Or, as claimed for many people, "Sorry to write such a long letter, I didn't have time to do a short one".
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 19:09 sknebel yeah, with that length it might make more sense to remove the stub notice or put it on specific sections that need expansion
# 19:09 sknebel or other calls to action, e.g. "List your template here!"
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
# 19:10 [mrkrndvs] I have decided that as a Gen 2 I am going to ask stupid questions for the benefit of future generations. jeremycherfas by _upstream_ do you mean forking a repository in GitHub and/or adding a comment to the original repository?
# 19:28 GWG I recommend you try Indieweb 2016 in.my repo.
[andrea_arbogast joined the channel
# 19:34 [andrea_arbogast Can I add your indieweb 2016 and Zenpress to the list of themes in the wiki so other new folks will know about them?
# 19:52 jeremych_ [mrkrndvs] That was tantek's wording; I had better leave it to him to clarify.
# 19:53 tantek really appreciate your contributions [mrkrndvs]
# 19:53 tantek yes I hesitated a bit on "upstream" but figured it at least captured the meaning if a bit jargony
tantek, GWG and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 21:09 [chrisaldrich] mrkrndvs++ for "stupid questions" though I find that they're fair, balanced, and actually VERY useful in my writing over the past month!
[manton] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 21:55 [jeremycherfas] I restored my child of Zenpress. Tomorrow I’ll add the indieweb plugins and try to document any difficulties.
Ruxton and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
# 22:10 [mrkrndvs] tantek could it be as easy as having an 'upstreaming' page rather than make the WordPress page too lengthy?
# 22:12 tantek [mrkrndvs]: not sure it's worth a whole page, but yeah it could be rerphrased
schmarty, [kiai] and [miklb] joined the channel
# 23:30 [miklb] !tell andrea you can create an atom feed file for all of your jekyll posts and then import that via the WordPress RSS importer I should have a jekyll template floating to create the feed if you don’t find anything
# 23:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next