#j12tSuggestion: replace the world "publish" in the plugins with "syndicate". That's more consistent with the rest of the terminology on the indieweb.org site.
#Ruxtonnow that you mention it, maybe what's happening, is image resizes are being delayed with wp cron, so at that publish time they're not on my post :/
tbbrown, [kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel
#GWGRuxton, I just remembered why I removed the delay
[eddie], [tantek], tantek, khurtwilliams, [manton], chrisaldrich and gRegorLove joined the channel
#gRegorLoveThis is probably a known issue, but one thing I've run into several times when responding to a webmention-enabled blog that's showing comments is that my comment often doesn't appear. I suspect Akismet filtering. My concern is these interactions never get seen.
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Publishing read posts is still pretty new, so there's a lot of experimenting and some more manual steps currently. That's definitely not the end goal, though. We want it to be as simple as possible for everyone to use, but we have to start somewhere....
#tantekand that's why Webmention should not just be "another pingback" from the Plugin perspective
#tantekWebmention without proper commenting display is a bad experience and should not be a default
#tantekhence the need to bundle Webmention and "Semantic Linkbacks"
#gRegorLoveI know there is a manual fix to bypass Akismet filtering for webmentions. Last I recall (it's been a while!), it was a manual line of code, not included in the plugin by default.
#[miklb]gregorlove so never seen if the user doesn’t routinely look at the comment queue, but WordPress doesn’t delete (to my knowledge) any comment, just queue it into approved/pending/spam/or trash
#tantek[miklb] would appreciate your analysis / opinion of /Vouch
#gRegorLoveYeah, I think it's a bad UX for someone to install webmentions (and maybe whatever other indieweb plugins) and then have to look through their spam more regularly to approve comments.
#gRegorLoveAnecdata, but in my experience people don't look at their spam very often. It's usually hundreds of actual spam messages.
#tantekhence it's bad UX to put Webmentions in the same bucket
#[miklb]I guess I’m a low traffic site so I’m not a good example. I don’t get that many (hundreds)
#[miklb]We work within the constraints of WordPress
#[miklb]I also closed comments on old posts pre-webmention integration so that probably limits my spam.
#gRegorLoveCertainly. Just adding a data point to a topic that I'm sure is a known issue already. I think my recommendation is that unspam_webmentions code snippet be part of the webmention plugin
#gRegorLoveBut I'm not a WordPress user myself, just familiar with it through work. :)
#[miklb]Would have to ask pfefferle if there was a reason that wasn’t done
#gRegorLoveAh yeah, the closing comments on old posts definitely helps.
#[miklb]GWG mentioned he had an older plugin he worked on that would allow “whitelisting”, which is something I’ve thought about as my blacklist often sends bridgy backfeed to trash. But my comment/webmention traffic is low enough that’s it hasn’t been an issue to move. If/when it does. I’ll investigate further.
#[miklb]tantek as to Vouch, I like it in principal, not sure how it can be done within WordPress. I haven’t gotten that far. I can even decide how I want to present my h-card 😂
#[miklb]GWG merging that would be great, updating it as a standalone plugin would be fine. As I said, it’s not become such a pain point that I’ve truly needed it.
#ZegnatMight contain some interesting stuff for the people here :)
#[pfefferle]I think bird.gy might be problematic in case of gdpr
#sknebelGDPR << https://www.gdprwp.com/ – We aim to give plugin developers a simple solution to GDPR validate their plugin, and offer Website Administrators the overview and tools to handle the administrative tasks involved with being GDPR compliant.
#Loqiok, I added "https://www.gdprwp.com/ – We aim to give plugin developers a simple solution to GDPR validate their plugin, and offer Website Administrators the overview and tools to handle the administrative tasks involved with being GDPR compliant." to the "See Also" section of /GDPR
tantek joined the channel
#ZegnatI think that one was already there, sknebel?