[chrisaldrich]asteres my two favorite methods to POSSE to G+ are either /Jetpack or the pro (paid) version of /SNAP. You need to turn off 2 factor authorization for Snap to work though. There's always manual though...
[chrisaldrich]asteres Just noticed that your Facebook RSVP for vHWC came through properly, but the original on your site was missing p-RSVP markup so it shows up as a vanilla webmention instead of an RSVP. See: https://indieweb.org/rsvp#How_to_RSVP_with_HTML
[chrisaldrich]asteres Alternately, I think you have Post Kinds Plugin installed, so you could do it that way and click the "other" tab in the meta-box for the plugin and choose the appropriate RSVP response (yes, no, maybe, interested) and the plugin will handle the correct mark up for you.
aaronpksome day i'll make the import interface for ownyourgram. I still have to import all my old instagram photos from before I started using ownyourgram