#wordpress 2017-12-28

2017-12-28 UTC
tantek, zb111, [tantek], [roshanvid], chrisaldrich, [miklb] and wt joined the channel
GWG not sure if this would be of interest to you for your IW plugins https://github.com/matzeeable/wp-hookdoc
[matzeeable] wp-hookdoc: :star: An API documentation generator for your WordPress actions and filters.
chimo, tantek, Ruxton, [roshanvid], wt, chrisaldrich, tantek1, [chrisaldrich], tantek_, [xavierroy], [miklb], [kevinmarks] and sebsel joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
What goes on?
I believe I will have my multisite set up complete by Jan 1. 6 sites for various stuff.
j12t joined the channel
I’m still not 100% sure how I’m going to use them all 🙂 but I’d rather have them set up and ready to go so it’s easier to decide. One will be for indiewp.com
Great. Any issues?
About the plugins
Haven’t gotten that far yet. Still tweaking my server to make sure I can handle more sites and have all of the SSL certs set up, etc
Not that any of them will necessarily get a lot of traffic, but still want them to be fast just in case
yes, I switched to that for caching plus redis for opcache
fastcgi for static cache
I’m also going to rebuild nginx to add the google pagespeed module
I do that
I have a lot I want to do
Now that I’ve gotten it out of my head to have some of my stuff on static sites and just use a WP multisite install for now it’s cleared my head some
back to where I was a year ago, focus on content creation first, tools and plumbing second
I need to write more
But I am in Dev mode
yeah, getting deeper under the hood has me a little more focused on what I want to work on dev wise. I really want to do what aaronpk just did for syndicating likes via micropub along with GitHub micropub plugin. Then go back to the theme stuff.
I’m also very intrigued by what is being done with xray
I know you’ve mentioned that for WordPress as well
Which about x-ray?
incorporating it into a WordPress plugin?
I have similar functionality in Post Kinds
hmm. I guess I need to look closer at what xray does then. I thought it was surfacing more than what post kinds does. Maybe it just sounds like it in chats
raretrack joined the channel
It is for some sites, but less for others because I use ogp and xray doesn't
I am going to try to get ogp parsing back in to Core
I have made massive improvements to OGP parsing to get data from more sites
good to know
now for some chores around the house, but will be hacking on the server tonight. All DNS is pointed to the IP/CNAMEs so should be able to pull trigger on the multisite tonight, then start figuring out what each site will do. I know I want to break out blogging from my notes/social interactions, but still haven’t decided which domains to use.
(I bought a new domain over the holidays and just might start blogging from scratch there & keep social interactions on my current/oldest domain).
[eddie] joined the channel
miklb.com is my oldest/current domain. Will be I think 14 in Feb.
tantek, [kevinmarks], [eddie], jackivan8891 and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Similar age to my oldest - randomelements.me.uk registered June 2003 but not used it since 2008 so just redirects now.
my oldest first registered i still have is aug 2000, had some before that but long expired!
[kevinmarks] joined the channel