2018-02-02 UTC
gRegorLove_, [cleverdevil], [keithjgrant], [miklb] and zb111 joined the channel
# 00:46 GWG Been working on refactoring Simple Location because of the man at IWC Baltimore who tried to make it prettier.
# 00:48 GWG Can I pick your brain? I've been asking chrisaldrich, as he usually is very helpful, but I think more is better when it comes to interfacing.
# 01:07 GWG [miklb]: You've seen the Simple Location metabox. How can I better display that info?
[kevinmarks], syp1, tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
# 02:17 [miklb] I thought the screenshots in the issue/PR looked great. Not sure can do much more within the context of the WP admin
# 02:23 GWG [miklb]: I am trying to compress it a bit.
# 02:25 [miklb] compressed on larger screens you mean? Could use a media query to target larger screens and cut down on a few things maybe
j12t joined the channel
# 02:34 GWG No. When he updated it, the width doubled.
j12t joined the channel
# 02:48 [miklb] ah. My apologies. I’m currently starring in my own version of This Old House, just without the camera crew.
zb111 joined the channel
# 02:58 [miklb] heh. I’m done in the attic, new hvac & insulation, few trim items on the punchout list, but then had a plumbing issue arise. So I’m just going to run all new water lines instead of dealing with 90 years of plumbing cruft. But I do love working on my house
tantek, j12t, drkokandy, ben_thatmustbeme, jeremycherfas, raretrack, [keithjgrant], [miklb], [eddie], [kevinmarks], raretrack_, gRegorLove, syp1 and j12t_ joined the channel
# 21:34 GWG Still working on this old house, miklb?
chrisaldrich and tantek joined the channel
# 21:53 [miklb] I am. Everything drawn up, materials all obtained, will shut off the water first thing in morning and start re-piping
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 21:59 GWG Trade... home improvement for that syndication Micropub thing?
# 22:00 [miklb] hmm. If the commute wasn’t so far, I’d be tempted
# 22:02 GWG I am reading about the js libraries included in Wordpress
# 22:07 [miklb] I plan on digging into the micropub code at some point myself.
# 22:11 GWG I am trying to do more dynamic stuff.
# 22:11 GWG I am not sure how far I should go, considering Gutenberg will blow it all up
# 22:14 GWG Like replacing my one entry per line with an add element button
# 22:14 [miklb] I have a feeling I’ll be more help with Gutenberg conversion than I would be with js in metaboxes, based on the limited code I’ve read.
# 22:15 GWG Or hiding boxes or changing labels based on the kind selected.
# 22:15 [miklb] main reason I relied on the CMB2 framework was for that reason, way more flexibility & pre-built elements like that.
# 22:15 GWG I am not sure what I might do about Gutenberg.
# 22:16 GWG What I am thinking is simple element hiding
# 22:17 GWG Trying to make things more easily interpreted
# 22:19 GWG miklb, I listen to comments from people like j12t
# 22:23 GWG I think I can make it easier. But easy is hard
[cleverdevil] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 23:04 GWG j12t is looking at the big picture also
# 23:05 [miklb] I read his comments. I do not agree with all of them. I appreciate that you are looking at how to make your plugins more useful for the current WP admin.
# 23:06 GWG I don't always implement everything, but it is worth looking into
[eddie] joined the channel
# 23:07 GWG The PR worked on at IWC prompted the latest thing
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 23:13 [miklb] I’m now running the person cache idea through my head and think I want to have that
# 23:15 GWG [miklb]: I mapped it out in my mind, but that isn't saying much
# 23:15 GWG WordPress has a user role for 'subscriber', which is read only...no privileges.
# 23:15 GWG It would work well for a user cache.
# 23:15 GWG You'd want to add in local avatar caching, but...
# 23:18 [miklb] I remember the discussion now of using a subscriber role, or even a custom role.
# 23:18 GWG I hate to add complexity when I don't have to
# 23:20 [miklb] I guess I’m just thinking that if a site were to use the default subscriber role for something, like, a paid subscription, might not want to mix the two as it could have different context
# 23:21 GWG Usually, membership plugins create custom roles
# 23:21 GWG But simple solution.. make it an option
gRegorLove joined the channel