#wordpress 2018-02-08

2018-02-08 UTC
[colinwalker], tantek, gRegorLove, michellejl, [sdepolo] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[dshanske] ๐Ÿ‘
Does it work?
sdepolo joined the channel
Hello, sdepolo
tantek, [tantek], [cleverdevil], brokaw and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[dshanske] I don't see the UI though it seems to be loaded on the "Add New post' page
[xavierroy]: What Kind is selected?
Looks like that metabox is disabled for article and notes by default. it appears when I select any other post kind ๐Ÿ™‚
[xavierroy]: That is intentional.
None of those properties are used for notes and articles.
ok. got that.
[xavierroy]: Working on refining the idea of properties being shown/hidden based on selections
[xavierroy]: What do you think otherwise? Still a work in progress?
One thought was if I could choose what type of post from the Add New button itself.. if I have post kinds plugin active
That's easily done at some point
Bear in mind, you can do it now with a bookmark.
Add ?kind=bookmark or such to the edit page URL
Yeah. I'm using that for logging food
[xavierroy]: Well, if you have any ideas...I intend to continue to work on this until final release.
not sure if it is intentional. If i choose an article kind as default, the metabox is not displayed and the title field is displayed. But if i change the kind, the title field and the metabox are not displayed.
[xavierroy]: Most post types don't have explicit titles.
But I thought that might be controversial
true.. but i expected the properties box to be displayed when i change the kind... especially if someone has a note post kind set as the default box
What properties would you want for a note?
tantek joined the channel
No, I meant, when I switched the default kind to something, I expected the properties box to be displayed.
Let me look
[cleverdevil], [gerwitz], jeremycherfas, drkokandy and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
GWG my only wish is to by able to bulk edit. I turned a whole heap of notes into articles when I decided to use notes for Micro.Blog and I had to manually edit each post. I am sure I could have gone in through the database, but ...
Associated with that, if I change my default Kind to quotes and upload a heap of posts from another blog will that make them all quotes?
It shouldn't. It used to, but I had a specific request for it not to set the default like that.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[mrkrndvs] You can do a bulk edit by enabling the Quick Edit option in https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/blob/bcfc68f64a9df6e6f20d56606b8023ec714ccb2a/includes/class-kind-taxonomy.php#L83 and then use that to edit from the All Posts screen.
That's what I'm doing for my posts
[gerwitz] joined the channel
I don't really endorse that
Although someday I will write a working Quick Edit
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Sorry GWG was just thinking out loud. Thank you for the clarification.
It is because of the multi picker
Last question on Kinds, I notice that there are a lot more options in the menu items than are available in the plugin. For example, Events is available there, but not in the settings for the app. Has the list associated with the menu been populated based on future additions? I know this has probably been addressed a million times, I have just forgotten.
I might just use 'Check-in' for now maybe
brokaw, tantek and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[mrkrndvs] you can again dive in the source code but [dshanske] would advise you not to ๐Ÿ˜€
tantek, [gerwitz], gRegorLove_, sebsel, [eddie], [cleverdevil], [xavierroy], [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[mrkrndvs] you can dig into the source and enable other kinds manually, but most of the unenabled ones have no display UI and generally work like notes so they may look different than you might want.
tantek joined the channel
You'll also have to re-enable every time you upgrade so make notes on what you change.
chrisaldrich joined the channel
jmac1, [eddie] and [miklb] joined the channel
In case folks missed it in the #indieweb channel, jackjamieson has a new WordPress plugin /reader called /Yarns_Indie_Reader that looks interesting.
[cleverdevil] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Interesting. Basically what I wanted to do but didnโ€™t have the wherewithal to do it.
[miklb] joined the channel
thatโ€™s a model Iโ€™d have to get my head around, having a reader as part of my blog.
[kevinmarks], [eddie], [dgold] and kektrain____ joined the channel
[dgold] [eddie] sebsel gRegorLove brokaw drkokandy doubleloop[m] GWG dougbeal|mb1 aaronpk globbot j12t ben_thatmustbeme dougbeal|imac chimo wagle petermolnar Loqi Zegnat voxpelli sknebel Kaja Ruxton deltab
[sdepolo], [tantek] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; kektrain____ left the channel