2018-02-10 UTC
j12t_ joined the channel
# 00:07 tantek WordPress folks, does this WordPress development related blog look legit to you? https://imelgrat.me/ (i.e. non-spammy, original useful/accurate articles etc.)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 00:26 tantek it's a challenge with such "clean" or maybe "slick" looking themes, when seo-blogs use them, then it makes everyone that uses them look like seo-blogs
# 02:04 aaronpk I googled a random sentence from one of the posts and it's from ibm.com and also in a book
# 02:10 tantek I'd be curious if you tried such googling from one of our posts
# 02:11 tantek wow maybe that would be useful as a post preview / linter tool
# 02:11 tantek google results for each sentence in your post to see if you somehow said exaclty the same thing as someone else already did
# 02:12 aaronpk first result of a sentence on our home page is in a book because we were quoted in the book
# 02:13 tantek I'd consider almost a good challenge / worthy goal to have none of the sentences in my posts have any existing google results.
# 02:13 tantek It would be a way of "text fingerprinting" all your posts.
# 02:13 tantek I mean, the entire post would be a watermark in itself!
[eddie], [tanlaan], tantek, [kevinmarks], Kyle-K, aaronpk and [miklb] joined the channel; Kyle-K left the channel
# 17:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:39 Loqi [rlk] whitemark: Steganographic encoding of a watermark in the whitespace of text
[jeremycherfas], gRegorLove, tantek and [tantek] joined the channel
# 21:44 [tantek] Yeah I’ve seen the white space stuff before. Not worth the hassle IMO
Kaja, Ruxton, tantek, doubleloop[m] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel