#wordpress 2018-02-19

2018-02-19 UTC
[eddie], bret1, tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
GWG did I understand that being able to use your own WP install to authenticate with IndieAuth.com was a future feature?
[miklb]: Do you mean using your own WP install instead of Indieauth.com?
no, say if I’m authenticating a micropub app and I need to auth. I have GitHub & Twitter as options, but always use GitHub because I’m more often already logged in there.
But another site I’m setting up won’t have GitHub, and I’d prefer to not be logging into Twitter to auth if I can help it.
[miklb]: If I finish the work, you wouldn't need to auth to Github or Twitter, you could to your own site, yes.
I built 50% of it
The Token Endpoint
I'd need to build the authorization endpoint
ok, that’s what I thought. Thanks. First circumstance where I could really see the utility in that feature.
[miklb]: Right now, the token endpoint is a good thing to have. It means that the actual permissions for your site are given out by your site, even if the verification is still done by indieauth.com
tantek joined the channel
[miklb]: I may save the next piece for the next time aaronpk and I share a Hack Day.
tantek, [eddie], [cleverdevil], [gerwitz] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Thanks GWG for all your work, I'll have a look later.
[kevinmarks] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
GWG the changes are really growing on me. I was unsure at first, but am really coming around to it. The Response Properties box is a lot smoother in my opinion too 👍
Glad you like it
[kevinmarks], [mifga], Loqi, [squorch], [cleverdevil], shoesandsocks, [eddie] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
GWG just wonder if there is anything that you want me to trial in regards to the images showing up when using the photo kind? It is still broken in .8
[manton], [tantek], [eddie] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I need to figure out how you are setting this up
tantek and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Any suggestions on what I could do to help with that?
[mrkrndvs]: Can you take me through what you do?
You set the Kind to Photo
What next?
tantek and [eddie] joined the channel