#wordpress 2018-02-28

2018-02-28 UTC
[kevinmarks], brokaw, tantek, [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
beats head on desk @ _s
Ruxton: What's wrong?
[davidakennedy] #1268 Remove Microformat Classes from CSS
Ruxton: How do you think I feel? It has been 2.5 years of me pushing it
after all the discussion, all the work, they doubled-down on idiocy
Ruxton: I've decided to stick to Indieweb projects for now
what boggles the mind most, is nobody is pushing them to do other markups, they're taking them on themselves, but a small team of people were doing and offering to do the mf2 stuff and they were like "nah, nah.."
GWG: I've been in WP since shortly after it released, it's really hard to move out, but recent changes have been really annoying the shit out of me from a dev perspective
Ruxton: What are you thinking?
I've wanted out for the last year or so, I just don't have a better solution
I still like WordPress. I just think that I may move toward using Micropub for a Post UI
Ruxton: Does this mean no more PRs from you?
I've wanted out for the last year or so, I just don't have a better solution
nah nah, I'll be using it for the unforseeable future
I'm just eyeing off solutions
I spent a weekend trying to fix the Known importer to get out, but it wasn't fun
Ruxton: So, how can we make it better without Core?
more themes with better support for the things
Well, I wish I was a better themer
I have been working hard on the UI for my plugins
me too ;) that's why I've just been poking away at making Zenpress have better support, because I'm using it
and it'd be nce to have a theme that "just worked" that looked great
I agree
tbbrown, [miklb], brokaw, [jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas, jeremych_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
good morning
good morning
Hello Mattias.
hey jeremy
Just downloaded the latest build of ZenPress; hope to have time to adapt my child theme later today. In particular need to look at #primary and the sizing of the hero image, both things I want to adjust.
I changed the handling of the stylesheet a bit, to load only the styles for the matching screen size…
to save bandwith 😉
to use the @import, you should add the screen size like `@import url(“shetland.css”) screen and (max-device-width: 480px);`
Let me know if you need some help… I would love to see some childthemes
[kevinmarks], brokaw, jeremycherfas, tbbrown, tbbrown_, [eddie] and [dgold] joined the channel
Need help understanding the use of get_header_image() in WP. ZenPress uses it to set up some inline CSS that displays a hero image at the top of the Home Page. However, because it is loaded from index, I do not seem to be able to override in my child stylesheet.
I can see where in functions.php the presence of header_image is being picked up. But I cannot see how to provide a header image but override the way ZenPress adds it to the <head>
wagle_, petermolnar_ and [miklb] joined the channel
I’ve been looking at `get_header_image` and it is confusing how it works. As to overriding it, I _think_ you can make your own call to `header_image` in your child theme to override the params set in parent theme. As to how parent theme loads it as a background image, I believe that’s being done for a better responsive image, but haven’t looked at where that function is.
parent theme loads it == ZenPress
There seems to be a complex relationship between the header image and putting in the HEAD. I suppose I could hard code the URL of the image in my child theme's functions.php and override that way.
But I think it may be simpler to put my own call in the correc template.
Anyway, I've done enough for today.
I really need to lock myself in my office and write this damn base theme I have swirling in my head.
just can’t afford the time right now 😞
aaronpk joined the channel
Understood completely. I'm torn between modifying a child theme I really like and starting afresh.
Also, there's always some glitch between developing locally and in production. This time it was leftover widgets hanging about invisibly!
I’ve done that dance 3 times in last 2 months. My idea is a really stripped down mf2 theme with no CSS stylings, just a stylesheet with the classes. Then create a clean styled child theme for better demonstration of it’s use.
I’ve always experienced ghosts with widgets and the database.
basically I’m thinking an IndieWeb theme developer starter kit
The problem with a stripped down theme, IMHO, is that people want to see something super pretty. I know I should be able to divorce content from presentation, but I seldom can.
that’s why I’d do a really clean starter child theme for end users, but it’s more for my own itch to have a solid mf2 foundation and clean markup to start from.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
what is the problem with the header image?
It looks like we don't have a page for "problem with the header image" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "problem with the header image is ____", a sentence describing the term)
It isn't so much a problem, as that I want to be able to use a different size than your recommended one. But if I upload a much narrower image, for example, is insists that I crop it.
I don’t think [jeremycherfas] could find how the header image is being inserted as CSS into the `<head>`
Other than that, I have managed to get everything on my site upgraded now so that it looks good (to me) with the new ZenPress
Oh no, thanks [miklb] I see how it gets picked up just fine, but I cannot see how to ensure that I get the correct sizing I want.
that you can override in your own functions for `header_image`
I think you can add yours by overwriting this setting in your child theme https://github.com/pfefferle/ZenPress/blob/master/functions.php#L122
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Ahah! That's the sizing. I could not find it for myself. Many thanks. I will have a play tomorrow and see whether I can get the effect I am looking for.
yes, but with a higher priority
[jeremycherfas] what are the problems with the size?
Thanks [miklb] . I wonder if there is any way of making those pixel sizes flexible. Probably not.
perhaps I can change it in the core
To me, the height is just too great. I want narrower banners, that's all.
Thinner, maybe, not narrower.
[pfefferle] that’s how I read the docs too.
It seemed to me that changes to the core don't help if they are hard-coded, as these seem to be, because different people will have different preferences for that sort of thing.
GWG joined the channel
maybe change it by a filter or setting
tantek, aaronpk, jackjamieson, [eddie], [cleverdevil], [miklb], [kevinmarks], tbbrown and chrisaldrich joined the channel