#wordpress 2018-03-29

2018-03-29 UTC
tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
any idea what plugin is adding u-url to all the footer <li>s on this page? https://islandinthenet.com/building-an-indieweb-reader/
for some reason it's added u-url to the <li> tag which doesn't make any sense
hopefully we're catching these bugs sooner now with proper consuming code, in contrast to what happened with hAtom
it needs to either wrap that section with an h-card, or just leave off the u-url since those links already have rel=me
there are some other problems with the markup there too, not sure how to debug what's causing them
it's so close to being good though
[kaushal_modi] and tbbrown joined the channel
aaronpk: It isn't a plugin. It looks like it is a custom menu the site owner set up.
j12t, [unoabraham], [tantek], tantek and Kyle-K joined the channel
Any updates to the Bridgy plugin? Still cannot link to accounts from the plugin interface.
tantek and cweiske joined the channel; Kyle-K left the channel
does wordpress.com only offer rss feeds, and no atom? "https://capitainenolou.wordpress.com/ only links /feed/
or is the atom feed hidden somewhere?
tantek, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and jeremych_ joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
!tell gwg can you possibly help with this? https://blog.vanessahamshere.uk/2018/03/29/105/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Vanessa] Looking at Quill today. Seems to send a “note” as an “aside” not a “status” so unless I can find a way to specify the post type it will likely fall foul of the adding post number as title issue I previously had with my WP theme. I guess...
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I can. There is a filter for what she wants. It is a line of code a theme or plugin could add
GWG: jeremycherfas left you a message 23 minutes ago: can you possibly help with this? https://blog.vanessahamshere.uk/2018/03/29/105/
I'll let her know. I know she has been here before, but not currently. Maybe she prefers Slack.
gwg has 49 karma in this channel (319 overall)
I deliberately don't have a setting
[Vanessa] joined the channel
Hello, I'm here. I only do Slack, not sure what else it is you use (noob, sorry).
Hi [Vanessa] No problem. Slack is fine.
I did wonder why everything said "APP" next to it...
because we're in IRC, which gets bridged to slack via an application
you can read more about it here: https://indieweb.org/IRC
Or you can just keep using Slack!
Ahh, like what I sometimes use Colloquy for? Hmm, I'll have to investigate, although Colloquy logs me out of stuff far too easily.
I gave up on Colloquy and moved to Textual; there are (too) many options.
rosemaryorchard joined the channel
Worth knowing, thanks. I've struggled with it at times, just occasionally use it for live chat for podcast recording live streams. I've not had time to join any lately though...
[snarfed], [kevinmarks], [tantek], tantek, tbbrown, drkokandy, [unoabraham], sebsel and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/Videlais/status/979415660093755394" to the "See Also" section of /portfolio
IndieWeb's John Johnston giving an interesting presentation at #pressedconf18 right now https://twitter.com/johnjohnston/status/979419363148226560
#pressedconf18 #WordPressforWeans2018 #GlowBlogs I am @johnjohnston a primary school teacher in Scotland. I acted as 'Product Owner' for Glow Blgos from 2014 to 2016 & continue on a part time basis. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZeYtmuXkAE8Psi.jpg
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/johnjohnston/status/979419363148226560" to the "See Also" section of /Indieweb_for_Education
[cb] joined the channel
hey indieweb friends! I've got my site set up with all the Indieweb goodness, including SNAP for syndication. I've noticed that if I make an entry via micropub (using micropublish, quill, etc.) SNAP isn't triggered, and doesn't syndicate my post. If I make an entry directly in the WP dashboard, SNAP triggers and syndicates.
Is there any way I can trigger SNAP anytime any post is created, even micropub'd ones?
tbbrown, [kevinmarks], kaushalmodi, tantek, [cleverdevil], j12t and Scopic joined the channel