#wordpress 2018-04-01

2018-04-01 UTC
[kevinmarks], j12t, chrisaldrich, [tantek], jacky, tantek, [jeremycherfas], [grib], jeremycherfas, jeremych_, [miklb], [snarfed] and symon1 joined the channel
I just changed the WordPress login form to allow for login by URL
j12t, [snarfed] and [Vanessa] joined the channel
Hmm, I set WordPress to need comment approval unless one had previously been approved, yet for some reason it isn’t recognising previously-approved commenters, so I’m having to approve them all. Not the end of the world, but not what is supposed to happen…
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Vanessa, I think that setting checks against email addresses, but since webmentions don't contain that data, one needs to approve them manually.
Is it Webmentions you're manually approving each time or native comments that come in via web interface?
Ah, fair enough. It will be webmentions, I guess, as mostly replies via micro.blog. As long as there’s an explanation, then that’s fine - just wanted to check I wasn’t being dozy again 🙂
jacky and chrisaldrich joined the channel
Since there's been no reported cases of webmention spam, many of us put a snippet of code into our functions.php files in our Themes that automatically approves webmentions.
The code snippet can be found at https://indieweb.org/WordPress_with_Bridgy#Spam if you want to include it so you don't have to manually approve them all.
[kevinmarks], [snarfed] and [miklb] joined the channel
I think gregorlove had a function that explicitly approved micro.blog
ah, that was it thanks
[miklb]: What are you up to this evening?
working on the site for local Code for America brigade.
j12t joined the channel
I'm doing some Indieauth stuff
I just made it so you can log into WordPress by putting your URL into the Username box
it’s currently on WP, I’m just moving it to my multi-site and swapping themes. I’ve made a little progress on my personal theme framework
what plugin will do that?
The Indieauth one
All the functionality was there for authentication.