[Vanessa]Hmm, I set WordPress to need comment approval unless one had previously been approved, yet for some reason it isn’t recognising previously-approved commenters, so I’m having to approve them all. Not the end of the world, but not what is supposed to happen…
[chrisaldrich]Vanessa, I think that setting checks against email addresses, but since webmentions don't contain that data, one needs to approve them manually.
[Vanessa]Ah, fair enough. It will be webmentions, I guess, as mostly replies via micro.blog. As long as there’s an explanation, then that’s fine - just wanted to check I wasn’t being dozy again 🙂
chrisaldrichSince there's been no reported cases of webmention spam, many of us put a snippet of code into our functions.php files in our Themes that automatically approves webmentions.