2018-04-07 UTC
# 00:06 GWG My vacation is nearly over though?
# 00:07 GWG aaronpk: The Micropub and Indieauth work is part of my Gutenberg fears
# 00:08 GWG that and people are writing Micropub Android clients
[miklb] joined the channel
# 01:21 Loqi gwg has 51 karma in this channel (323 overall)
# 02:43 GWG [[miklb] You were part of what I had in mind.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 02:51 [miklb] as soon as that gets merged into master, I’ll start playing around with it.
# 02:56 GWG I intend to rework Bridgy Publish at that time as well.
# 02:58 [miklb] one question though, does that hook require a syndication target coming in with the micropub post?
# 02:58 GWG The generic after_micropub can be used otherwise
# 02:59 [miklb] oh. Well I guess I’ll need to hook into `after_micropub` after all.
# 03:01 GWG The readme lists all hooks and filters
# 03:02 [miklb] when a like or repost comes in and is a Twitter url, POSSE it to Twitter. Likewise for a GH like/star from micropub.
tantek joined the channel
drkokandy, tantek and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 13:36 [jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] that was the name. I use [kevinmarks] noterlive at a few academic conferences. I remember it having an easy html export when I want to publish as a blog post
[miklb], aniruddh, tantek, [snarfed], kaushalmodi and j12t joined the channel