#wordpress 2018-07-07
2018-07-07 UTC
[kim_landwehr], [cleverdevil] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [dougbeal] I've posted a few HWC events on my site, but they're all done by hand.

[eddie] and tantek joined the channel
[kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
aaronpk "What strikes me as odd now is how little control I have over how the Webmention and Semantic Linkbacks plugins actually deal with webmention data. The stuff I’d like to show is stored in my database, but I can’t through the plugins determine how that is shown." https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2018/07/wrapping-my-head-around-webmentions-pt-2/

[eddie] and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
jgmac1106_ sounded like an invitation to incourage him to contribute to the plugins a couple of menus allowing me to decide how webmentions are displayed and stored would be cool.

davidmead joined the channel
[kevinmarks], [snarfed], chrisaldrich, [cleverdevil], [manton] and [dgold] joined the channel
tonzyl joined the channel
tonzyl thanks aaronpk sknebel for discussing my blogpost on WP and webmentions here. It's part about the theme vs plugins. I think the original issue is how it can be hard to discern if some issue originates with the microformats, the theme or something else at the sender's, or with the plugins, microformats, theme at the target's side.
tonzyl am not going to install the sempress theme, to see if that helps solving the microformatting of my blogposts. and then create a child theme to play with the way I display webmentions
tonzyl not=now
tonzyl so now going to install... etc.
tonzyl yes it is!
tonzyl GWG not sure, I'll tinker a bit first, and blog whatever questions / issues I come across. Don't feel confident enough to follow up on jgmac1106_ suggesting to add to the plugins. But am used to tinkering with wordpress and movable type for the past 16 yrs, so I'll do that first.
tonzyl GWG yes, that was me.
davidmead joined the channel
tonzyl I saw you mention it higher up in the chatlog yes. The way I had trackback/pingback of old would grab a few hundred chars from around the spot of the mention. Something like that would be cool.
tonzyl ok can do that, although if there's a summary/blurb set for a post mentioning me that's useful too. My experience is that e.g. grabbing the first few lines often doesn't do much to trigger curiosity, whereas as few lines from around the mention more often do.
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
tonzyl opened an issue
tonzyl https://github.com/converspace/webmention/issues/47 or did you mean a diff place?
tonzyl I see. it's the gen webmention page I posted it. I'll correct it.
tonzyl that repo is where webmention.org points to
tonzyl ah ok! Now reposted at WP webmention repo https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/issues/182
tonzyl a first step for me, which I should be able to arrange myself, is to in my template replace Mentions now shown using merely the comment meta data, to use the actual comment data stored. I'll play around with that in my own WP instance first, to see what would work for me. And of course will blog / document my experiences.
tonzyl that would already be a step up from current situation. Grabbing a more contextualised part of a mention, or at least to attempt it, is a next step imo
tonzyl GWG thanks for Bridgy, btw!
tonzyl ah! well, thx for the WP part then :D
tonzyl good question, for Mentions / Replies that would be yes. Likes, no (face pile is fine) No experience yet with other types of mentions that seem to be around (rsvp's, check-ins etc)
tonzyl or at least other types of dealing with / treating mentions
[snarfed] joined the channel
[eddie], [manton], [cleverdevil], [snarfed] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [dougbeal] wp has private posts for publishing, otherwise there are some collaboration plugins that hide editing pieces. If you search chat this past week [wiobyrne] and I discussed it a bit.

[chrisaldrich] [dougbeal] to your earlier question mebmention rsvps to events will separate themselves into yes, no, interested etc. https://boffosocko.com/2017/11/30/rsvps-with-wordpress/ Or were you looking to differentiate your own rsvps to events?