#wordpress 2018-07-27

2018-07-27 UTC
I have a bunch of Micropub improvements I want to add
donblanco joined the channel
uh, how do I attach a screenshot here?
donblanco_ joined the channel
[Don Blanco (Mr. White)] WP>Masto Test just another test to see if I can auto-post to Mastodon from WordPress ... https://glenn.thedixons.net/wpmasto-test/
[matpacker] joined the channel
My authorization issues have been solved! The DreamPress guys were able to work out what was going on and have fixed it
[matpacker]: What was it?
Basically, they have PHP-FPM enabled, instead of php fastCGI, and that was what was stripping the headers
[matpacker]: I run php-fpm...they can pass the headers
So they disabled PHP-FPM on my server, and voila, it works
[matpacker]: Is this in writing?
Yes, and a the guy helping me has filed a bug
Would you be able to post their explanation of what the problem was and what they did somewhere?
That might be of use to others
GWG: Just forwarded the email stream to you
[matpacker]: This isn't something temporary.
They need to pass the header
It is needed each time the server accesses your site
That's what I would've thought, but again, this is way deeper than my knowledge base, so I'm not really sure what else to push them on.
I wonder if I can track down Mika Epstein
I don't think 2016 is ugly. Oh well.
GWG: except when it bugs out - https://crw.moe/b/Tg looks bad in wide mode
dougbeal: I was speaking in general.
I admit that design isn't my strong point
I'd love a really good designer to work on a theme
True, maybe we should crowdfund one?
I'd be happy to do the integration and mf2 work.
Does wp have a guet ready theme?
Not sure
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG: the conversation I made reference to was the one about the two bugs getting merged.
[chrisaldrich]: Yes.
donblanco and [matpacker] joined the channel
GWG: now that I have everything working, I'll spend some time re-styling the theme using TwentySixteen as the base.
well now - just managed to import my Goodreads csv using wp all import plugin - even got everything into the correct post kind.
But - will need to clean up the CSV then try again - also some of the taxonomy stuff may be in the database but I don't see it in the post interface
[cleverdevil] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
@donblanco great.. do write about your process
[matpacker] great to hear your issue was resolved.. mine still throws up an error
Hello, [xavierroy]
[xavierroy]: Dreamhost or other host?
hello [dshanske]
dreamhost shared hosting
But not Dreampress?
[snarfed] joined the channel
no. not Dreampress
[xavierroy] you'll need to contact them about turning off the PHP-FPM on your account, as you're on a shared server, this may not be possible.
my php is set to 7.2 FastCGi
I use PHP-FPM, by the way. But with Nginx
haha well that blows that theory out the window!
looks like i have the '--enable-fpm' flag enabled
[dshanske] how do i display the post kind icon?
is there a function i can call?
Not specifically
There is a function to call to display it
i'm trying to display the post kind icon in the 2016 theme
to display the icon along with the text in the metadata section
I have a little of that
tantek__ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[dougbeal] what du you mean with guet? Gutenberg?
pfefferle: yes, I attempted to abreviate it :)
ZenPress is Gutenberg ready and supports wide mode
I am suspicious of dreamhost support in this case. There is nothing about php-fpm that prevents the authorization header from working. I use that on my server just fine.
There is probably some config option they have in their fpm that is not in the cgi one, but it concerns me that they weren’t able to know that.
[matpacker] joined the channel
aaronpk: I'm happy to keep trying to work through a solution/better answer with DreamHost/Press
pfefferle has 29 karma in this channel (62 overall)
!tell gwg I was going to record a video on how you update 2016-IndieWeb when it is already installed…and realized I didn’t know best way. I usually switch themes, delete 2016-IndieWeb, reinstall and switch back, other option?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Does anyone know why this happens with the gravatar and a link to bridgy and not back to my website: https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1022789703261724673 Testing Indpendent Publisher
Working on #edu522 tutorials so excited to teach this class. You should join our three week blogging bootcamp. (https://www.brid.gy/publish/twitter) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DjGt0JNUYAYKHkU.jpg
I use git
GWG: jgmac1106_ left you a message 14 minutes ago: I was going to record a video on how you update 2016-IndieWeb when it is already installed…and realized I didn’t know best way. I usually switch themes, delete 2016-IndieWeb, reinstall and switch back, other option?
…….hmmmm and the best way for mortals
of course the moment when I go to record bridgy to Twitter workflow it fails me on every account,
I will look into it
When I go to sign into brid.gy I get this: Upstream server request failed: (, DeadlineExceededError('Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response from URL: https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/',)) I am not even using that subdomain right now
grrrrrrrr, maybe I am crazy to try this with students, I can’t even get a workflow going long enought to record tutorials on the workflow
donblanco joined the channel
what is sempress?
SemPress is a highly semantic WordPress Theme with HTML5 templates, responsive and seo optimized https://indieweb.org/SemPress
donblanco1 joined the channel
@jgmac1106_ the indieweb subdomain is in your Twitter profile (twice) - might be coming from there
good call [donblanco1] let me delete that..though that was more for IndieAuth before Twitter stripped rel=me I just switched to record SemPress tutorials, we will see what happens
I also occasionally trip some security warnings using some bitninja service my shared hosting provider must user
I've heard good things about sempress
jgmac1106_: re https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1022789703261724673 there's an u-photo on the avatar, but no h-card around it, so bridgy thinks its a photo for the post
Working on #edu522 tutorials so excited to teach this class. You should join our three week blogging bootcamp. (https://www.brid.gy/publish/twitter) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DjGt0JNUYAYKHkU.jpg
which indieauth source are you using to authenticate?
IndieLogin from my site
thx [sknebel] I am trying to discover if that is just in Indpendent Publisher or just me and Independent Publisher, there was no photo in that post. It automatically sticks in avatar with a u-photo
!tell pfefferle I see this issue https://github.com/pfefferle/SemPress/issues/48 about post-kinds. Should we not use the post-kind plugin with SemPress
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[dshanske] #48 Support Syndication Links and Post Kinds
[donblanco1] I have to, especially from the accessibility folks in the community. If I am using my blog for teaching I am legally required to make it accessible
[gwg] is there still any issues using Post-Kinds and SemPress, should I recommend not installing that plug-in?
jgmac1106_: from a quick peek at the Independent Publisher source code it seems like that's a problem with Independent Publisher in general
yeah, that is what I am thinking, I was doing the same, it seems there was an h-card at one point and when v.2 launched a bunch of IndieWeb stuff got removed
it used to be two different branches one on WordPress and one on GitHub….but there are many issues and no development.
I think I am going to remove it from my recommendation list
oh, you're not using the one from github/wordpress.org? cause Independent Publisher v2 is something different
no, that is the one from GitHub, not on WordPress, according to the wiki only use GitHub for Indpendent Publisher
but theme states comes with a built in h-card and I have never found one anywhere and the mf2 on each post….it ain’t pretty…but I wonder if that is post kinds. I should try using just status
you don’t even get a permalink on posts: https://edu522.jgregorymcverry.com/stream/
or publication dates or anything….think that is all she wrote for Indpendent Publisher
only reference to h-card I've seen is on our wiki, and it has author h-cards as described there
ohh okay so an hcard on the post but still need to add to homepage
and it seems it turns the title into the permalink so when you do note type there is no linl
yeah, that's pretty useless
ah, ok, the "Comment" links at least link to the post
yeah I had to do that and remove the anchorlink to get the url
has a bunch of options in customization, I think I can get it
okay, good to know, need to make a video of that
this changes between the status post type and the note post kind: itemprop="mainContentOfPage"
the h-card gets in their twice as well…still trying to figure out u-photo in syndication
just out of curiosity, what is this 'independent publisher' you're talking about? Plugin? Theme?
What is Independent Publisher?
Independent Publisher is an open source responsive and modern WordPress theme that is Indieweb friendly https://indieweb.org/Independent_Publisher
[donblanco] I am trying to make video and text based tutorials for all the #IndieWeb themes
jgmac1106_: on the independent publusher demo page on the post lists the entire post is the permalink, so it works for notes too
is that an option you can set maybe?
not that I can find but I will keep poking, thx for talking this through with me sven, so much easier to not think alone
[sknebel] #301 micoformats2: avatar leaks into post as "photo" property
sknebel has 3 karma in this channel (116 overall)
[gwg] more critical for me is this, you have an issue open in both themes asking for post kind support, should I not recommend people use post kinds with either Independent Publisher or SemPress?
IP got a PR for that, but no activity
hasn’t been activity on IP since Nov 23, 2017, six months ain’t too bad on an open source project supported by one person
but what happens if people do use them? will the mf2 be wrong? Should people using IP and SemPress just stick to the included Post Types?
I did ask [pfefferle] but I thought you may know as well
pfefferle would take my PR
So I might do it as a service to the community
so in an attempt to record a Bridgy tutorial, i made a new twitter account, a new domain, installed a blog and now I get: Bridgy Error: Error: {"errors":[{"code":324,"message":"Image dimensions must be >= 4x4 and <= 8192x8192"}]} HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
No bridgy tutorials for me today,
as usual, if you'd share details/links one could take a look and try to help ;)
<img alt='css.php' src="https://sempress.jgregorymcverry.com/wp-content/plugins/cookies-for-comments/css.php?k=7f2082cabf524557e729f13a3507d899&amp;o=i&amp;t=2036212725" width='1' height='1' />
ok, 1x1 px gif to set a cookie, gets inserted into the post content and mf2 thinks it's the post photo
my main website https://jgregorymcverry.com throws this error when trying to authorize twitter: Upstream server request failed: (, DeadlineExceededError('Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response from URL: https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/',))
Greg McVerry
okay [donblanco1] was right I removed the other websites from my profile and back and business
now just need to make my kids go to back to bed so I can finish tutorials
still might be worth filing with snarfed, an unrelated site shouldn't necessarily break your bridgy signup
yeah I will ping him when West Coast wakes up
filing an issue is probably better than dumping it on him in chat
and I will file an issue with [pfefferle] about the cookie being inserted
that looks like a plugin you have installed, not a theme issue
[gwg] does the postkind plugin insert any cookies? I have added no plugins but IndieWeb plugins
it's clearly from a plugin called "cookies for comments". and it loads, so there is something answering and not just a left over link pointing to nowhere
[Donncha O Caoimh] Description This plugin adds a stylesheet or image to your blog’s html source code. When a browser loads that stylesheet or image a cookie is dropped. If that user then leaves a comment the cookie is checked. If it doesn’t exist the comment is m...
I wonder if it is baked into the theme
and there it is…must come with the theme
what is sempress?
SemPress is a highly semantic WordPress Theme with HTML5 templates, responsive and seo optimized https://indieweb.org/SemPress
[jgmac1106] #60 Cookies for Comments leaving image that messes up mf2
I don't see how it's part of the theme
[pfefferle] joined the channel
you sure that's not just installed by reclaimhosting by default?
at least I see sites online claiming that
jgmac1106_: ^^^
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
interesting I just figured it was a vanilla copy...hmm, will note and close issue
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Sknebel++ for Independent Publisher issue
sknebel has 4 karma in this channel (118 overall)
!tell [pfefferle] I have really enjoyed taking SemPress for a spin. If you see anything wrong in the videos ping me. Making short segments that can be remixed easily
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Hi everyone!
Hey [MarcoZDe]
[miklb] joined the channel
what’s this about crowd funding a theme?
[kim_landwehr], jeremycherfas and [snarfed] joined the channel
[miklb] micro.blog started with a kickstarter, whose to say a suite of themes couldn’t have similar results, people will pay for continuos updates and support
or possbly routing through open collective
[pfefferle], [jgarber], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and donblanco joined the channel
well so far all attempts to use Aperture with either Monocle or Indigenous have resulted in a big ball of hurt
[manton] joined the channel
I have not moved to Microsub yet
I asked in -dev a few days ago, but does anyone here have a recommended "wordpress in a box" virtual machine, docker image, ...?
tantek__ joined the channel
sknebel: for a VPS, or locally?
locally, although I'm sure I can make something intended for a VPS work locally too
sknebel: I ended up tying my VPS docker stuff to linux user namespaces to map docker image root to a specific user unprivileged host user.
sknebel: I have started trying to get everything running locally, but it works for wordpress - https://github.com/dougbeal/wordpress-indieweb-docker.git
thx, will take a look
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] the independent publisher theme on github and WordPress.ORG should be the same. It's the one from WordPress.COM that doesn't have the microformats you want.
Though it mught be worth it to fork it to add GWGs PR if Raam Dev doesn't.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
is donblanco's issues still related to the wordpress plugin not being able to verify tokens?
[chrisaldrich] I was thinking same thing and then can add the h-card natively without the plugin
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
aaronpk I suspect so given the number of others who have the same issue on WP.
adamthephantump and [Vanessa] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Greg, don't know if it's of much use, but I documented my initial travels into Indieweb, which included some of the problems I had with SemPress. I didn't get as far as trying to syndicate back then & I still don't, especially as if I did it would likely be photos, which don't work properly/at all.
Anyways, here's the post
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
vanessa has 4 karma in this channel (6 overall)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
awesome [Vanessa], for syndication you need to make the image a featured image regardless of theme
I have found
Here is an example in 2016-IndieWeb
I got syndication working but it was too late to record, now you would hear riki, diki, and dawn, and a bunch of lawn equipment, plus I wouldn't use my creepy everyone is sleeping so I whisper voice
@t brings up wikipedia as a counter example of how you don’t need a real name policy to fight bots and track reputation. Clicked on article, clicked on history, and clicked on author page. #CredWeb #QuestionTheWeb https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User...
just read your post I love it
None of the themes handle images the way I wanted to I resorted to a page builder..and I title my photos cuz flickr says I can: http://jgregorymcverry.com/photos/
Ah, ok, I'll make a note of that for the future. I was told it needed some u-photo thing that wasn't there, not that I ever got it to work. But I didn't try too hard as syndication isn't something that I really need. I still tend to do different things on different networks. Flickr only gets my very best photos!
Thanks. I did a series of them as I went along, then that one at the end.
are they all tagged a certain way for me to find them?
Not sure what you mean by this: SemPress theme I chose forces a title
will it literally not publish if you do not add title?
I like your little icons! I did manage to set up a menu for things I'm reading.
Tags! That would have been sensible. I never think to tag anything!
This is the first and the others follow straight on, interrupted only with one other post.
<-- horrible tagger and was using exclude uncategorized for so long I need to go back in, luckily I mainly syndicate to Twitter so most carry a hashtag
For an image to be included in a tweet it needs to be the featured image except in photo posts, but I make it a featured image to display on /photos
I don't syndicate to Flickr either, its just many argue the photo post type doesn't get a title, hundreds of millions of photos on Flickr say otherwise
okay figured out how to search for “adventures” [vanessa] huge help going to read all of this before I finish recording SemPress
Ah no, it doesn't refuse to publish, it's happy for me to write & publish an untitled post. But in the admin panel it puts a number in as the post title, so the RSS feed comes up as the post number - so it rather undoes my decision not to title. Hence the bit of script to remove titles from status posts. If I used other types I'd probably have to do the same for them. At the moment, though, I don't.
I have found the code that adds the post number (not that I understand it), so did wonder if there was a way to override it in my child theme - but that requires more skills than I have. It would be preferable, though, then I could configure what I want for various post types via my child rather than by just stripping one out for the rss feed. Of course the JSON feed just outputs the post number - another reason why it would be nice to
This made it pretty frustrating for Micro.blog to start with.
of the theme altogether.
[gwg] came up with an interesting fix for that problem in 2016-IndieWeb I am sure he can pass along the fix
especially with whatever search you have installed, it seems to only search your titles
[jgmac1106] I think you'd seen one or two, but feel free to use these for your course if you like: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUkDy-CP92u1r54VkKzN0Pty5jtTQcr9H
I need to get back to finishing them up
they're shorter versions of the longer two hour one...
thx [chrisaldrich] Need to add to top of my week zero yeah trying to stay under 3 minutes each clip so as UI changes I can quickly re-record
I want to do a bunch of popup microcasting with folks so you are def on the list
….ohh you laready split up your long one, even better
Yeah, I'm trying to do a handful of ~10 minute ones for each plugin or major piece
and then just organize them as a playlist
doing same for each theme as they act slightly different, Independent Publisher is done, Doing SemPress now, if you cover 2016-IndieWeb we will have them all
then it is just the minor plugins (which I define as not included in IndieWeb Plugin)
[Vanessa] I made a gist that includes the html (with CSS at the bottom that can be dumped into your style.css file) for the menu and icons: https://gist.github.com/chrisaldrich/56a2967d8e2a98b5d4135bd280c47dff
[jgmac1106] this reminds me that I think you didn't add the css portion to your site as your icons are all bunched together instead of spaced via flexbox if you're interested ^^
Forgot kids have golf, if the credweb community group aint that popping I may quit early, my damn as neurotic neighbor needs to put his leaf blower away first
will do, I have messed the css and code on some pages and not others, but will always update to flexbox
if you borrowed the code with the classes directly you should be able to cut/paste the css part at the bottom into your style.css file in your theme or child theme and it should "just work"
yeah, I built some custom pages but totally gonna do it. I think @gwg is baking a menu widget into the next post-kinds release
just edit out or add the kinds you use to get the subset you need
[chrisaldrich] Thanks for that, looks fab- I have seen it on your site.
Not entirely sure what to do with it, though. Where does the code at the top go? I'll have to look at my site setup - it's been a while since I looked at the nuts & bolts!
[Vanessa] dashboard>customize>additional css, put the css there
then you can either just use the plain text editor and put the html on any page, or use an html sidebar widget if you want it there
Ah, see, I haven't done "putting html" anywhere before. Not quite sure I understand that. I'll ponder.
I know how to add the css to my child theme via Filezilla though. Does using the dashboard mean it alters the main theme? I got caught out by an update wiping out a lot of work, hence the child.
not at all, and if you want to push right to your child theme go ahead, adding css though is built right into WordPress editor now
donblanco joined the channel
[Vanessa] this is how you can add css without ftp...though h/t for updating your own stylesheet
I'm probably more comfortable using ftp than some of the more "user-friendly" web things. I often don't find them intuitive - guess my brain works weirdly or something. I started out on the command line, remember, before any graphics stuff. I remember being amazed by XTree and then Norton Commander when they appeared! And as a family we used to share files over ftp years ago.
i went a step further in the opposite direction and added a page builder to my site as I didn’t know enough php and WordPress, I can do the CSS, to make it look the way I want
tantek__ joined the channel
I know nothing about html, php or CSS. I did have a book on html4 somewhere, which I used to create a very basic site years ago.
If it ain't Pascal or C, I'm lost - though probably have forgotten most of what I knew of those by now. I really do need to update my skills a little. 😇 It's a bit shoddy, considering I do actually have a diploma in software engineering. 'Twas the end of the last century, though.
@aaronpk I would guess token malforming, yes, if I remember correctly
[pfefferle] joined the channel
so how can I block access to all wordpress comment spam without hindering webmentions, etc.?
Askimet does it for me
[miklb] joined the channel
I use a blacklist
I don't want to have to manually do any spam marking - I don't want their comments to ever make it into my WordPress database. Will a blacklist do that?
remove your comment form would be one step
blacklist just sends it to the trash
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Vanessa] The top section of code I have cut and pasted into the "page" that I use for my front page https://boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/flex-items-on-front-page.png
The bottom section of CSS I cut and paste into the style.css file for my child them at https://example.com/wp-admin/theme-editor.php which looks like this: https://boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/CSS.png
donblanco: The blacklist functionality for WordPress is at https://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/options-discussion.php#blacklist_keys
@chrisaldrich yeah, but they are still IN MY DATABASE! Makes me crazy lol
[chrisaldrich] Thank you. Something I might well play with tomorrow. I have a quiet weekend for once, so hopefully I'll get time to have a go.
[Vanessa] Let us know if you need additional help.
[kevinmarks] and donblanco joined the channel
well now - finally imported GoodReads csv into WP using the free (old) really simple CSV importer plugin
key was to label each column using wp terminology (post_type, post_title) etc.
automatically created custom fields for each of the other GoodReads column headings (authorlf, isbn, etc.)
but now I need to go into PHPMyAdmin and change all the post kinds over to 'read' :(
[ryan339] joined the channel
hmmm - damn - can't find any way to bulk edit post kind :(