2018-08-25 UTC
# 00:04 miklb_ GWG if I might suggest slightly more descriptive PR titles than fixes.
# 00:04 GWG I described it in the individual commit messages
# 00:04 miklb_ or the originating branch name you create to add the work to
# 00:05 miklb_ just a thought so seeing it in GH notices have a better idea of which/what it is for.
# 00:09 GWG miklb_: Either way, after pfefferle submits a WebSub update, I think I'm done for now
# 00:12 miklb_ that reminds me, I need to go back through the logs and find those links for the issue we discovered
# 00:15 GWG While I'm waiting for feedback, I may start on some Post Kinds work
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# 00:57 miklb_ another reminder, I need to figure out what's broken in Safari 12.1 causing that javascript to beachball the tab.
[kevinmarks] and snarfed joined the channel
# 03:36 GWG I'd like one more concurring comment from someone who had issues before releasing.
# 03:37 GWG Then, any further released issues as a priority if they come up
# 03:40 snarfed oh definitely, at minimum we should confirm (ideally by reproducing) that *all* reported issues are fixed
# 03:40 GWG snarfed: All the reported auth issues?
# 03:41 GWG Well, not the enhancements, I assume
# 03:41 snarfed and miklb_ confirmed with a previous version of your PR, not the merged one
# 03:41 snarfed we should try to confirm all reported bugs/problems are fixed
# 03:41 GWG dougbeal hasn't confirmed the PHP notices are gone. I think I fixed them all
# 03:42 miklb_ complete auth success. However posting a photo from Quill, the photo didn't attach, at least using default post-kinds, so need to look where that failed.
# 03:42 GWG @vishae had an issue, but it appears to be a Bridgy Publish issue, so I should close it.
# 03:42 snarfed eh php notices are low priority imho. fine to fix, just low priority
# 03:42 GWG miklb_: Not a Micropub issue, although certainly there is still a FIXME snarfed put on to enhance how the plugin handles galleries, I believe
# 03:43 miklb_ and that was completely logged out from WP and went through 2fa to auth.
# 03:44 miklb_ GWG how not a micropub issue? was a single photo. Not saying it is, just curious what it is then.
# 03:44 GWG miklb_: Because when Post Kinds is installed, it turns off Micropub rendering.
# 03:45 GWG I want to do a major enhancement to rendering the backend properties and the frontend property.
# 03:45 miklb_ I just want to be able to post a photo via micropub
# 03:46 miklb_ or I just need to write my own photo template
# 03:46 Loqi [dshanske] #85 redesign to coordinate with other mf2 plugins and themes
# 03:47 GWG snarfed: No. Post Kinds backend fixes. But might include some of that
# 03:47 miklb_ but somehow a gallery shortcode was inserted into my content
# 03:47 GWG I'm trying to beat chrisaldrich, who keeps creating new kinds
# 03:47 snarfed ah ok. probably hard to do #85 piecemeal...but ok!
# 03:48 GWG miklb_: That's Micropub. I think it does that regardless. I have to look again.
# 03:48 GWG But splitting out the rendering code will make that easier.
# 03:48 GWG Also, still worried about gutenberg
# 03:48 GWG But the reason I'm going back to Post Kinds is a lot of issues opened on it.
# 03:48 GWG I have a lot of improvements I want to make
# 03:48 miklb_ well, I wouldn't worry about all of that, I'd get what is there now working.
# 03:49 GWG Also, the Yarn Microsub reader is using the Post Kinds parser, and I have things I can do with that
# 03:49 GWG I'm basically building a tiny Fields API into it
# 03:50 GWG The media endpoint may help with that
# 03:52 miklb_ I guess I thought adding the media endpoint would magically make it all simpler
# 03:52 GWG It means that you can add media in JSON posts, which means some more complex options for clients
# 03:58 miklb_ more I think about it, I do not recall that gallery code being inserted into the content in the past. That seems new for me
# 04:14 miklb_ well, been a long week, time for some rest. GWG, I probably haven't said it lately, but thank you so much for all the work you put into the plugins.
epic8, Croepha13, [kevinmarks], jeremych_, ChickenSoup_, Smeef5, hsiktas13 and romanzolotarev joined the channel
# 12:29 ululate | _.--"""""--._
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# 14:13 GWG Okay, just broke a bunch of things with the new registration system
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# 14:32 miklb__ thank you Loqi for the private message I don't know how to remove the underscores after my nick
# 14:34 GWG Basically, instead of an array of properties, it is now an array of objects with which properties make up the kind.
# 14:35 GWG So in future I can tell it which fields to include on the backend instead of hardcoding.
# 14:36 miklb__ not saying it in a bad way, my eyes just gloss over sometimes when I think about arrays
# 14:40 miklb__ but objects sound the path forward to someday integrating with gutenberg blocks
# 14:44 miklb__ now that I've pretty much figured out the current state for themes and mf2 and can start working on my theme framework again with confidence, blocks are on the roadmap for me too
# 14:52 GWG Blocks aren't something I'm sure I'm going to do, but I'll be in an easy place to do them
# 14:52 GWG As well as improving the classic version, or a custom version
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# 15:08 GWG What are your big Post Kinds Issues?
# 15:14 GWG I will be testing more view template improvements
# 15:15 GWG Might be, have to look at everything
# 15:15 GWG I have media issues overall to explore
# 15:16 miklb as I mentioned last night though, I don't recall micropub inserting that gallery shortcode in the past
# 15:19 GWG The code was always there, but it might not have been triggered
# 15:42 GWG I also want to upgrade the parser for Microsub
wagle, miklb, wagle_, [kevinmarks], OPK29 and [asuh] joined the channel
# 19:53 [asuh] Finally got a chance to try out Micropub’s latest update via my site and Quill returns a 403 error upon posting. Is there anything I need besides the micropub rel link in <head>?
# 19:55 miklb there is a beta version in the master branch that's a refactor and fixes several issues
# 19:55 miklb the IndieAuth plugin or the built in auth?
# 19:57 Loqi [dshanske] #150 Release Version 2.0 of Micropub plugin
# 19:59 GWG Why are you adding a rel link in the head? It does that automatically.
# 19:59 GWG And is this a new token or old one?
# 19:59 [asuh] Not manually added, just confirming it’s the only thing required in <head> for this to work
# 20:00 [asuh] Good question, is it new if I just logged into Quill and gave it permission to post?
# 20:07 GWG Can you enable WP_DEBUG and check the error logs?
# 20:10 [asuh] `Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [...]/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1259`
# 20:11 miklb I'm seeing that error coming from omnibear ironically
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# 20:30 GWG That's an IndieAuth issue that I fixed in 3.1.5 I thought
# 20:33 GWG So, you are running 3.1.5 and 2.0 of Micropub?
# 20:36 GWG Trying to make sure I am tracking down the right thing
# 20:36 miklb oh, I hadn't updated indieauth in a couple of days. Can't keep up :-D I'll test it all again
# 20:37 GWG The new stable version fixes that bug
# 20:39 miklb ok, not getting that param arugment, but still getting the invalid for each when attempting to auth with Omnibear, logged out of both before testing.
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# 20:54 niek ___________________
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# 21:38 miklb I think I fugred out what I was doing wrong whitelisting webmentions. I was whitelisting brid.gy not brid-gy.appspot.com
[pfefferle], wagle, [keithjgrant] and vectr0n0 joined the channel
# 22:26 miklb ok, how do I get micropub to not put any html at all in my notes ?
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# 23:13 miklb feels like this was something that I figured out once before but don't remember how.
# 23:23 GWG Post Kinds should turn it all off
# 23:36 miklb so something in the new micropub has changed that?
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