2018-08-28 UTC
# 00:32 GWG miklb, you've used the parsing in Post Kinds, right?
# 00:34 GWG Where you put in a URL and it fills in everything?
# 00:35 miklb I've been using that for as long as its been in the plugin. It's great.
# 00:38 GWG Mostly to simplify the parsing code
# 00:38 GWG A version of it made it's way into Microsub
# 00:39 miklb that is a lot of moving parts all at once
# 00:39 miklb there is already one issue with micropub, I'd be leery of testing a bunch of new code right out of the gate
# 00:41 GWG I am finished with Micropub save bug fixes for now
# 00:43 miklb first I have to solve the probelm of micropub inserting html into the post. I don't want to introduce anything new to the mix.
# 00:43 miklb and once I get everything stable and working, then I'll look at new code.
# 00:43 GWG I will be continuing to stop for bug fixes to get it released
# 00:44 GWG I just am not working on new features, so I am working on my next project
# 00:44 GWG Nothing on that is ready for testing
# 00:44 GWG Besides, parsing isn't a show stopper
# 00:45 miklb I'm not suggesting you not work on stuff, I'm just letting you know how I'll be approaching testing and where my priorities are.
# 00:46 GWG Just asking about the feature while adding to it
# 00:49 GWG I am reading some of the Microsub fixes to backport. Might spin this into a library.
# 01:01 GWG Does it make sense to have a parsing plugin for WordPress?
# 01:28 GWG Shared dependencies should be where then?
# 01:29 miklb I would suggest putting it in the IW plugin, but I think pferrele would object
# 01:31 GWG I would put hcard parsing in there
# 01:32 miklb the only other idea I can think of is making it as a library that the other plugins can pull in as a submodule
# 01:33 GWG That was what I was thinking as an option
# 01:34 miklb then the plugins should be able to check to see if the function already exists. Custom Meta boxes 2 does something like that iirc
# 01:36 miklb but there might be some issues with the wp.org repo on that. CMB2 wound up having to be its own plugin for some reason, but had something to do with dependencies
isgy, [tantek], [eddie], drkokandy, jeremych_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 06:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:28 Loqi [jkphl] micrometa: A meta parser for extracting micro information out of HTML documents, currently supporting Microformats 1+2, HTML Microdata and JSON-LD, written in PHP
[kevinmarks], jeremych_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 09:56 [pfefferle] Semantic-Linkbacks now (3.9.0) supports rel-alternate and uses the latest php-mf2 version
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# 10:19 Loqi [dshanske] wordpress-micropub: A Micropub server plugin for WordPress
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 10:47 [jgmac1106] So just tested twice with omnibear and both post say published successfully but neither post is anywhere on my blog
# 10:49 Loqi [Greg McVerry] The semester starts today. Excited.
# 10:49 [jgmac1106] nevermind, the esri map is the broken link the img is just missing
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 11:21 GWG Omnibear still has a problem if you are logged into the
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# 11:30 GWG We are looking for beta testers before release
# 11:31 GWG If you are willing, install the GitHub version and try it out
# 11:31 Loqi [indieweb] wordpress-micropub: A Micropub Endpoint plugin for WordPress
# 11:31 GWG We need to see how it works for a few more people and check for bugs
# 11:32 GWG It transferred to the Indieweb repo
# 11:32 GWG You may have to log out of any client you are logged into as the URL for the endpoint changed
# 11:33 GWG The token is fine. This is client side
# 11:40 GWG It should work identically to the old version at the least
# 11:40 [xavierroy] is this an ignorable error? There was an error making a request to your Micropub endpoint. The error received was: {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Missing Query Parameter"}
# 11:41 GWG Yes, that means Micropublish didn't give one
# 11:42 Loqi [dshanske] #150 Release Version 2.0 of Micropub plugin
# 11:43 GWG Can you leave your results on this issue?
# 11:43 GWG Feel free to try additional testing
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[jgarber], jgmac1106_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:58 [jgmac1106] Oops I installed from your repo. Will delete and reinstall and retest
# 12:05 GWG jgmac1106, other question for you
# 12:06 GWG Working on improving the parsing in Post Kinds
# 12:06 GWG This is the feature that autofills the boxes based on a URL
# 12:13 [jgmac1106] Let me publish one of each post kind and I will add the parsing results to a new issue, bookmark and quote seem to be off from memory but that maybe more Bridgy publish
# 12:14 [jgmac1106] I have never actually parsed each post kind. Will be good learning moment
# 12:15 GWG Parsing is filling in the URL box in Post Kinds. It doesn't vary by what you are publishing exactly
# 12:15 GWG It varies by what the other person is publishing
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# 12:33 GWG [jgmac1106]: The code tries to take mf2 and parse it, and if there isn't any, extract alternative data and convert it to the same format.
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# 13:01 [jgmac1106] My apologies. I thought you meant you wanted the results of an mf2 parser and the source code for an example 0f each kind
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# 13:08 GWG No, this generates context around a post
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# 14:13 jgmac1106 [gwg] a common error I am coming up with in the parser are special characters being rendered as their entity names
# 14:22 GWG I am going to refresh some of the old code
# 14:24 GWG Some of it is 5 years old and inherited from someone no longer active
# 14:26 GWG I also lost YouTube because of Google no longer showing metadata unless you spoof the user agent
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