#wordpress 2018-09-13

2018-09-13 UTC
jgmac1106, jeremych_, tantek__ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I'm looking at the old WordPress links manager
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
It's super useful
Oh? What do you do with it?
I was thinking of using it for storage
Basically, if you bookmark a post in Post Kinds, it stores it there
Not sure
Would make more sense for the following post kind for me
I use it for a blog roll
Going to add Telegraph today to see if I can finally get to a point to send. Webmentions
I don't know why you keep having problems
[jgmac1106]: So, just the widget display then?
I think I'm better off with a CPT
Not sure, it's better. I will hold off on Telegraph and let you mess around with my site in NYC
jgmac1106 and spugachev joined the channel
jgmac1106, I would like to fix your problems
You are a big booster
…I think I first would need to go back to plugin whackamole and get the time it takes to pblish down…feel like I get timeout errors
not failing curl tests anymore
so that is a s tart
[jgmac1106], [eddie], jgmac1106, [keithjgrant], [pfefferle], brooksn and miklb_ joined the channel
aaronpk can you remove me from the IW GitHub org please?
miklb_: you can remove yourself in your account settings
there's a category "organisations"
yep, just found it. thanks.
I might be thinking of company orgs
this classicpress thing is interesting
[Brooks] joined the channel
what is it?
It was a dark and stormy night https://indieweb.org/It
stopwords loqi, stopwords... :D
WP fork that won't use Gutenberg, dev direction won't be driven by WP.com from what I've seen
and mf2 as native is climbing up the vote list
I see things happened
jackjamieson and tantek joined the channel
I realize that was dramatic, I'm just super busy. I'm voting with my feet. I get scratching your own itch, and "Indie" part of IndieWeb, but at some point, when you add the "community" part it has to mean more than a couple of dudes calling the shots. It is truly nothing personal, but if I'm down voting an idea it's that. A down vote. People disagree all the time and doesn't have to be seen as an attack. So I don't
want to be part of that kind of organization, how ever loose it is.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
all because I asked why you don’t want to take over the plugin and fix it?
but it's been coming to that point. The discussion didn't start today.
nothing is going to change by my decision. It's all cool.
not really, because it starts to become personal!
wasn't meant to be personal [pfefferle] but I'm not into snarky comments that wind up pushing my buttons. I disagreed with your comment to the user. I stand by my argument that your idea that twenty* themes are better off with mf1 than adding the mf2 plugin is completely flawed.
you don't use post kinds. Not the plugin, and to my knowledge, not with any other method. A LOT of people want them. Once you introduce that into an mf1 theme, the experience isn't what the user expects.
that is why I asked you to take over the plugin… I do not want to push buttons, but I do not have the time to work on this plugin and if noone else do, what should I suggest to the user?
I guess the use of "I" multiple times and not "we are" was the final straw for me.
because it is indicative of how the WordPress direction has felt.
because I can/will not speak for the whole community, I know that the feed idea is not common sense
I did send a PR with some changes. No one was interested in even looking at them. Said the mf2 feed was better. So I forked it. So far, the only issues I'm having are not with that plugin, but the other WordPress IndieWeb plugins.
because we are a small community… only GWG and I are reviewing code… I always have to ask people to review my commits and it could last weeks
when was the last time a code review took weeks?
I can not speak to how things happened 4 years ago. That's why I did what I did with the plugin and the base theme now. What is actually broken. And what I'm finding, is it's lack of interoperability between plugins.
[dshanske] #160 Add Commit to Travis per @pfefferle deployment script
10 days between comments and there is a complete re-write going on in that plugin for code that isn't a bug fix doesn't seem that bad to me in any scenario, but point made.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
but what do you want to make clear with that point? that I should have reviewed the changes and didn’t?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
no, that's my point. You made clear your position, so I just closed the PR and forked so I could keep figuring out what was really broken. Because that alone is my goal. **I** want to post from my site and post kinds and webmentions and micropub replies. And I can't with WordPress right now. So I keep hunting bugs.
miklb++ for pushing forward in whatever way works best for him. and all the bug hunting!
miklb has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
ok, but the plugin is broken at the moment isn’t it?
I fixed the bug with `p-name` being on nav titles, and I shimmed in 2 classes into the h-entry and according to aaronpk my mf2 looks great. Using 2016 out of the box.
so, why have you not asked someone to review your code?
I said that in our last discussion and you wouldn't listen to me.
what should I tell the users that create issues, other than deactivate the plugin?
you kept insisting mf1 was better. So I stopped arguing with you.
sometimes, yes. We just tell them their options. File a bug upstream or switch themes. We are working our hardest to solve the mf2 in WordPress problem.
but you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
sorry, that may be too vague out of context not in English.
ok, I step out of this whole mf2 discussion and let others keep the work on the mf2 and mf2-feed plugin…
point being, if hundreds of people could enjoy these tools now using the mf2 plugin, and there are few that are stuck at the moment, wouldn't that be good?
it would be good, but therefore someone has to keep over the plugin and fix all issues!
and if there is noone, the only option I see is, to tell him to deacrtivate it
yes, either switch themes or deactivate. That doesn't mean you just shut down the plugin because it doesn't work for a handful people.
give them a refund
I never wanted to shut it down, only to remove it until someone takes over!
ask tantek to re-add you to the ORG, take over the plugin and I step out of the discussion!
pfefferle looks like you are a maintainer - you should be able to add someone: https://github.com/orgs/indieweb/teams/wordpress/members
unless I'm missing something
i'm always missing something about github permissions lol
It was his decision to step out, it should be his decision to come back…
If I find that the plugin does work out, I'll maintain the fork, but I'm currently not interested in formal/informal organization. It's not really about one plugin or one pull request. If that's what looks like then I've done a poor job of expressing myself.
miklb, IMO the indieweb "org" is for sharing/maintaining any approach to making indieweb work on peoples sites, whether or not "everyone" in a particular community or CMS adopts/uses it.
so it's totally fine to maintain a particular (fork of a) plugin there if you like (e.g. especially if you're selfdogfooding it!), and also totally fine to maintain such things in your own repo. no judgment
whatever feels "right" to you. just know the option is there are open should you ever decide to in the future
is there *and open
I hear you and thank you. I want to be clear, I am forever grateful for all of the work that everyone has put into building this technology. All platforms. I wanted to give some back and make an IW WP theme to share. I went on a journey to figure out what was broken so I knew how to build it right. Then I discovered, with little effort, a pretty good experience could be had without a special theme. That's it. Seems to
me a big win, but I feel like I'm the only one seeing that. Which gives me food for thought.
No you are not the only one.
I am strongly agreed with you on this miklb
am I misunderstanding the situation? It seems like pfefferle doesn't want to continue maintaining the plugin, and is offering to hand it over to miklb. that seems like good for everyone?
miklb, to be clear, I agree it is a big win to make a "pretty good experience" possible *without a special theme*
because of the requirements of plugins across 2 personal repos and a community repo to accomplish the more "advanced" kinds type of a thing, decisions get made based on a personal plugin that effects the result elsewhere.
so while I will continue to pursue my goal, either a plugin with a theme off the shelf or a custom theme framework, I just don't want singular decisions being made and expressed for a group I'm supposed to be a part of. That's all I'm saying.
I can understand that, but it seems that everything I do in this area pushes a button and you feel triggered
miklb I sympathize with wanting to avoid the burden of interactions across bits of code that are not necessarily parts of the goal(s) you're trying to accomplish.
decoupling from those dependencies makes sense
[pfefferle] I respect your decisions if I don't agree with them and I certainly didn't intend to create a scene. It was wrong of me to do. I apologize.
If in the future someone opens an issue on the IW uf2 plugin, please feel free to ping me in the comments if I don't see it and I'll share my perspective and progress. I also certainly do not want that effort to be a burden on you.
as I said, I try to step out of this discussion… let me know if you re-thought you decision and you want to take over the plugin…
perhaps you can leave a comment on the issue that starts all of this…
jgmac1106 and [eddie] joined the channel
I am sorry for anything that I may have done to create any negative feeling
And I do owe pfefferle a PR review
I really have to figure out how to bring the Micropub plugin to a conclusion
[asuh] joined the channel
miklb++ for all the work you’ve done and do
miklb has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
I can’t contribute anything like I wish I could but I’m only a fraction as involved as you are and I appreciate what you and everyone else does.
WordPress support is slowly coming along and I do hope there’s a day where I can rely more heavily on my own site like I do on the other silos but I’m not there yet either
re: Classicpress, I really hope that this is a fork like io.js was for node.js and the communities will come back around to each other again and merge back in. Maybe Gutenburg will be wall for that community for the forseeable future but I also think it’s an interesting move forward and hope there’s a way forward that both can go down, similar to Visual and Text mode on the editor. Who knows is that’s even possible
I think WordPress needs shaking up
[keithjgrant] joined the channel